EOD Primary Tumor


**Note:** **Extension to bone** * Involvement of or extension to bone includes any type of tumor extension to the bone, such as erosion, invasion, extension, penetration, or destruction.
Code Description SS2018 T
000 In situ, intraepithelial, noninvasive IS
100 Invasive tumor confined to mucosa of one of the following: - Frontal sinus - Sphenoid sinus Localized, NOS L
200 More than one accessory sinus invaded Destruction of bony wall of sinus Bone, cartilage - Facial bones - Maxilla - Orbital structure(s) - Pterygoid fossa - Zygoma Brain Cranial nerves Hard palate Muscles - Masseter - Pterygoid Nasal cavity - Floor - Lateral wall - Nasal cavity, NOS - Septum - Turbinates Nasopharynx Orbital contents, including eye Soft tissue Skin RE
700 Further contiguous extension D
999 Unknown; extension not stated Primary tumor cannot be assessed Not documented in medical record Death Certificate Only U
(1) Fritz AG, Ries LAG (eds). **SEER Extent of Disease 1988: Codes and Coding Instructions (3rd Edition, 1998)**, National Cancer Institute, NIH Pub. No. 98-2313, Bethesda, MD, 1998 (2) Young JL Jr, Roffers SD, Ries LAG, Fritz AG, Hurlbut AA (eds.). **SEER Summary Staging Manual-2000: Codes and Coding Instructions**, National Cancer Institute, NIH Pub. No. 01-4969, Bethesda, MD, 2001. (3) Collaborative Stage Work Group of the American Joint Committee on Cancer. **Collaborative Stage Data Collection System User Documentation and Coding Instructions, version 02.05**. American Joint Committee on Cancer (Chicago, IL)