EOD Mets
Code | Description | SS2018 M |
00 | No distant metastasis Unknown if distant metastasis | NONE |
10 | Liver (including liver parenchymal nodule(s)) | D |
20 | Distant lymph node(s) Colon - Iliac (common, external) - Inferior mesenteric (cecum, ascending colon, hepatic flexure, transverse colon) - Para-aortic - Retroperitoneal - Superior mesenteric Rectosigmoid/Rectum - Colic (left) (rectum) - Hemorrhoidal, inferior (rectosigmoid) - Internal iliac (hypogastric), NOS (rectosigmoid) - Obturator (rectosigmoid) - Rectal, inferior (rectosigmoid) Distant lymph node(s), NOS | D |
30 | Bone Lung Ovary(ies) Peritoneal nodule(s) Peritoneum (seeding) WITH or WITHOUT distant lymph node(s) | D |
50 | Any combination of codes 10, 20, 30 Carcinomatosis Distant lymph node(s) WITH or WITHOUT other organs | D |
70 | Distant metastasis, NOS | D |
99 | Death Certificate Only | U |