Soft Tissue Abdomen and Thoracic (excluding Heart, Mediastinum and Pleura)
Primary Site | Histology | Schema Discriminator 2 | Year of Diagnosis |
C151-C152, C154-C155, C159, C170-C220, C239-C249, C260-C269, C339, C600-C619, C630-C689 | 8710-8714, 8800-8803, 8810-8921, 8932-8934, 8940-8990, 9000-9016, 9030-9043, 9045-9138, 9141-9230, 9240-9580, 9582 | <Any value> | <Any value> |
C160-C169 | 8710-8714, 8800-8803, 8810-8921, 8932-8934, 8940-8975, 8980-8990, 9000-9016, 9030-9043, 9045-9138, 9141-9230, 9240-9580, 9582 | <Any value> | <Any value> |
C221 | 8710-8714, 8800-8803, 8810-8921, 8932-8934, 8940-8976, 8981-8990, 9000-9016, 9030-9043, 9045-9138, 9141-9230, 9240-9580, 9582 | <Any value> | <Any value> |
C250-C259 | 8710-8714, 8800-8803, 8810-8921, 8932-8934, 8940-8970, 8972-8990, 9000-9016, 9030-9043, 9045-9138, 9141-9230, 9240-9580, 9582 | <Any value> | <Any value> |
C340-C349 | 8710-8714, 8800-8803, 8810-8921, 8932-8934, 8940-8971, 8973-8976, 8981, 8983-8990, 9000-9016, 9030-9043, 9045, 9054-9138, 9141-9230, 9240-9580, 9582 | <Any value> | <Any value> |
C340-C349 | 8982 | <Any value> | 2018-2024 |
C379 | 8710-8714, 8800-8803, 8810-8921, 8932-8934, 8940-8976, 8981-8990, 9000-9016, 9030-9043, 9045-9138, 9141-9230, 9240-9580, 9582 | <Any value> | <Any value> |
C379 | 8980 | <Any value> | 2018-2024 |
C473, C475, C493-C495 | 8000-8803, 8810-8921, 8932-8934, 8940-8990, 9000-9016, 9030-9043, 9045-9138, 9141-9230, 9240-9580, 9582 | 8 | 2018-2020, 9999, <BLANK> |
C473, C475, C493-C495 | 8000-8803, 8810-8921, 8932-8934, 8940-8990, 9000-9016, 9030-9043, 9045-9138, 9141-9230, 9240-9580, 9582 | 2 | <Any value> |
C510-C519 | 8710-8714, 8800-8803, 8810-8921, 8932-8934, 8940-8981, 8983-8990, 9000-9016, 9030-9043, 9045-9063, 9065-9070, 9072-9138, 9141-9230, 9240-9580, 9582 | <Any value> | <Any value> |
C510-C519 | 8982, 9064 | <Any value> | 2018-2023 |
C529 | 8710-8714, 8800-8803, 8810-8921, 8932, 8934, 8940-8976, 8981-8990, 9000-9016, 9030-9043, 9045-9070, 9072-9105, 9111, 9120-9138, 9141-9230, 9240-9580, 9582 | <Any value> | <Any value> |
C530-C539 | 8710-8714, 8800-8803, 8810-8921, 8932, 8934, 8940-8941, 8951-8976, 8981-8990, 9000-9016, 9030-9043, 9045-9105, 9111, 9120-9138, 9141-9230, 9240-9580, 9582 | <Any value> | 2018-2020 |
C530-C539 | 8950 | <Any value> | <Any value> |
C589 | 8710-8714, 8800-8803, 8810-8921, 8932-8934, 8940-8990, 9000-9016, 9030-9043, 9045-9091, 9110-9138, 9141-9230, 9240-9580, 9582 | <Any value> | <Any value> |
C620-C629 | 8710-8714, 8800-8803, 8810-8921, 8932-8934, 8940-8990, 9000-9016, 9030-9043, 9045-9060, 9062-9063, 9072-9073, 9082-9083, 9086-9091, 9102-9103, 9110-9138, 9141-9230, 9240-9580, 9582 | <Any value> | <Any value> |
C473, C475, C493-C495 and Schema Discriminator 2 = 2 or 8 (8000-8803, 8810-8921, 8932-8934, 8940-8990, 9000-9016, 9030-9043, 9045-9138, 9141-9230, 9240-9580, 9582) C151-C152, C154-C155, C159, C160-C221, C239-C269, C339-C349, C379, C510-C519, C529-C539, C589, C600-C619, C620-C689 (varying histologies between 8710-8714, 8800-8803, 8810-8921, 8932-8934, 8940-8990, 9000-9016, 9030-9043, 9045-9138, 9141-9230, 9240-9580, 9582) * *See the SSDI Manual, Appendix A: Schema ID 00421: Soft Tissue Abdomen and Thoracic for detailed listing of primary site/histology combinations for this schema* **Note 1:** **Sources used in the development of this schema** * SEER Extent of Disease 1988: Codes and Coding Instructions (3rd Edition, 1998) ( * SEER Summary Staging Manual-2000: Codes and Coding Instructions ( * Collaborative Stage Data Collection System, version 02.05: * Chapter 42 *Soft Tissue Sarcoma of the Abdomen and Thoracic Visceral Organs*, in the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, Eighth Edition (2017) published by Springer International Publishing. Used with permission of the American College of Surgeons, Chicago, Illinois. **Note 2:** **C473-C475, C493-C495** * For C473-C475, C493-C495 only, see the following schemas for the listed histologies * **GIST**: 8935-8936 * **Kaposi Sarcoma**: 9140 * **Mycosis Fungoides**: 9700-9701 * **Soft Tissue Abdomen and Thoracic**: * C473, C475, C493-C495 and Schema Discriminator 2 = 1 * C474 (8000-8803, 8810-8921, 8932-8934, 8940-8990, 9000-9016, 9030-9043, 9045-9138, 9141-9230, 9240-9580, 9582, 9700-9701) * **Soft Tissue Other** * 8804-8806, 8930-8931, 8991-8992, 9020, 9044, 9231, 9581 * C473, C475, C493-C495 and Schema Discriminator 2 =9 (8000-8803, 8810-8921, 8932-8934, 8940-8990, 9000-9016, 9030-9043, 9045-9138, 9141-9230, 9240-9580, 9582, 9700-9701) **Note 3:** **Heart, Mediastinum, and Pleura**: * The following primary sites are covered in the Heart, Mediastinum, and Pleura schema * C380 Heart * C381 Anterior mediastinum * C382 Posterior mediastinum * C383 Mediastinum, NOS * C384 Pleura * C388 Overlapping lesion of heart, mediastinum, and pleuraData Items
Name | Default Value | Used in Derivation | NAACCR Item | Required By | Metadata |
Year of Diagnosis | <BLANK> | Yes |
dateOfDiagnosis |
None | |
Primary Site | <BLANK> | Yes |
primarySite |
None | |
Histology | <BLANK> | Yes |
histologicTypeIcdO3 |
None | |
Schema Discriminator 2 | <BLANK> | Yes |
NAACCR #3927
schemaDiscriminator2 |
All | SSDI |
Tumor Size Clinical | <BLANK> | No |
tumorSizeClinical |
None | |
Tumor Size Pathological | <BLANK> | No |
tumorSizePathologic |
None | |
Tumor Size Summary | 999 | No |
tumorSizeSummary |
None | |
Regional Nodes Positive | 99 | No |
regionalNodesPositive |
None | |
Regional Nodes Examined | 99 | No |
regionalNodesExamined |
None | |
RX Summ Surgery/Radiation Sequence | <BLANK> | No |
NAACCR #1380
rxSummSurgRadSeq |
None | |
RX Summ Systemic/Surgery Sequence | <BLANK> | No |
NAACCR #1639
rxSummSystemicSurSeq |
None | |
Neoadjuvant Therapy | 9 | No |
NAACCR #1632
neoadjuvantTherapy |
None | |
Neoadjuvant Therapy – Clinical Response | 9 | No |
NAACCR #1633
neoadjuvTherapyClinicalResponse |
None | |
Neoadjuvant Therapy – Treatment Effect | 9 | No |
NAACCR #1634
neoadjuvTherapyTreatmentEffect |
None | |
EOD Primary Tumor | 999 | Yes |
eodPrimaryTumor |
None | |
EOD Regional Nodes | 999 | Yes |
eodRegionalNodes |
None | |
EOD Mets | 00 | Yes |
eodMets |
None | |
SS2018 | <BLANK> | No |
summaryStage2018 |
None | |
Grade Clinical | 9 | Yes |
NAACCR #3843
gradeClinical |
All | SSDI |
Grade Pathological | 9 | Yes |
NAACCR #3844
gradePathological |
All | SSDI |
Grade Post Therapy Clin (yc) | <BLANK> | No |
NAACCR #1068
gradePostTherapyClin |
Grade Post Therapy Path (yp) | <BLANK> | No |
NAACCR #3845
gradePostTherapy |
Bone Invasion | 8 | No |
NAACCR #3815
boneInvasion |
Initial Context
Name | Default Value | Description | NAACCR Item | Metadata |
Schema ID | 00421 |
NAACCR #3800
schemaId |
None | |
Derived Version | {{ctx_alg_version}} | None | None | |
Derived Summary Stage 2018 | 9 |
derivedSummaryStage2018 |
None | |
Derived Summary Grade 2018 | <BLANK> |
NAACCR #1975
derivedSummaryGrade2018 |
None |