Soft Tissue Other

Primary Site Histology Behavior Schema Discriminator 1 Sex
C000-C148, C150, C153, C158, C300-C329, C470, C490, C739, C750, C754-C759 8804-8806, 8910, 8920, 8930-8931, 8991, 9020, 9044, 9120, 9231, 9581 <Any value> <Any value>
C151-C152, C154-C155, C159, C160-C269, C339-C388, C471-C479, C491-C499, C500-C509, C529, C589-C689 8804-8806, 8930-8931, 8991, 9020, 9044, 9231, 9581 <Any value> <Any value>
C390, C398-C399, C420-C424 8710-8714, 8800-8934, 8940-9137, 9141-9582 <Any value> <Any value>
C440, C442-C449 8710-8714, 8800-8934, 8941-8981, 8983-9137, 9141-9582 <Any value> <Any value>
C441 8710-8714, 8800-8934, 8950-8975, 8981-9137, 9141-9582 <Any value> <Any value>
C480-C488 8804-8805, 8991, 9020, 9044, 9231, 9581 <Any value> <Any value>
C480 8806, 8930-8931 <Any value> <Any value>
C481-C482, C488 8806, 8930-8931 <Any value> 1, 3, 4, 5, 9
C510-C519 8804-8806, 8930-8931, 8991, 9044, 9231, 9581 <Any value> <Any value>
C530-C539 8804, 8806, 8930-8931, 8991, 9020, 9044, 9231 <Any value> <Any value>
C569, C570 8710-8714, 8800-8805, 8811-8814, 8820-8821, 8823-8824, 8826-8881, 8891-8921, 8932, 8934, 8940-8941, 8951-8959, 8963-8975, 8981-8991, 9010-9045, 9051, 9053-9055, 9061-9065, 9072, 9081-9084, 9086, 9101-9105, 9120-9137, 9141-9582 <Any value> <Any value>
C571-C579 8710-8714, 8800-8934, 8940-9137, 9141-9582 <Any value> <Any value>
C690-C696, C698-C699 8930-8931, 8991, 9020, 9180, 9231 <Any value> <Any value>
C700-C721, C728-C729 8710-8714, 8800-8801, 8803-8806, 8811-8814, 8820-8842, 8851-8881, 8891-8898, 8901-8934, 8940-9063, 9065, 9072-9073, 9081-9083, 9086-9091, 9110, 9121-9132, 9135-9137, 9141-9175, 9181-9210, 9221-9361, 9363, 9365-9373, 9541-9582 3 <Any value>
C722, C724-C725, C751-C753 8804-8806, 8910, 8920, 8930-8931, 8991, 9020, 9044, 9231, 9581 3 <Any value>
C723 8930-8931, 8991, 9020, 9231 3 <Any value>
C740-C749, C761-C765, C767-C768, C770-C775, C778-C779, C809 8710-8714, 8800-8934, 8940-9137, 9141-9582 <Any value> <Any value>
C760 8710-8714, 8800-8934, 8940, 8950-9137, 9141-9582 <Any value> <Any value>
C760 8941 <Any value> 0, 1 <Any value>


C000-C388, C470-C539, C589-C699, C722-C725, C739, C750-C759 (varying histologies between 8804-8806, 8910, 8920, 8930-8931, 8991, 9020, 9044, 9120, 9180, 9231, 9581) C390-C399, C420-C449, C569-C579, C700-C721, C728-C729, C740-C749, C760-C809 (varying histologies between 8710-8714, 8800-8934, 8940-9137, 9141-9582) * *See SSDI Manual, Appendix A: Schema ID 00450: Soft Tissue Other for detailed listing of primary site/histology combinations for this schema* **Note 1:** The following sources were used in the development of this schema * SEER Extent of Disease 1988: Codes and Coding Instructions (3rd Edition, 1998) ( * SEER Summary Staging Manual-2000: Codes and Coding Instructions ( * Collaborative Stage Data Collection System, version 02.05: * Chapter 45 *Soft Tissue Sarcoma - Unusual Histologies and Sites*, in the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, Eighth Edition (2017) published by Springer International Publishing. Used with permission of the American College of Surgeons, Chicago, Illinois. **Note 2:** TNM is not defined for this schema.

Data Items

Name Default Value Used for Staging NAACCR Item Required By Metadata
Year of Diagnosis <BLANK> No NAACCR #390 None
Primary Site <BLANK> Yes NAACCR #400 None
Histology <BLANK> Yes NAACCR #522 None
Behavior <BLANK> Yes NAACCR #523 None
Schema Discriminator 1 <BLANK> Yes NAACCR #3926 All SSDI
Sex <BLANK> Yes NAACCR #220 None
Tumor Size Clinical <BLANK> No NAACCR #752 None
Tumor Size Pathological <BLANK> No NAACCR #754 None
Tumor Size Summary 999 No NAACCR #756 None
Regional Nodes Positive 99 No NAACCR #820 None
Regional Nodes Examined 99 No NAACCR #830 None
LVI 9 No NAACCR #1182 None
EOD Primary Tumor 999 Yes NAACCR #772 None
EOD Regional Nodes 999 Yes NAACCR #774 None
EOD Mets 00 Yes NAACCR #776 None
SS2018 <BLANK> No NAACCR #764 None
Grade Clinical 9 No NAACCR #3843 CCCR/Canada
Grade Pathological 9 No NAACCR #3844 CCCR/Canada
Grade Post Therapy <BLANK> No NAACCR #3845 CCCR/Canada
Bone Invasion 8 No NAACCR #3815 COC

Initial Context

Staging Methods

Expand All | Collapse All

Summary Stage 2018


  1. EOD Primary Tumor
  2. ss2018_t

Next Step

  1. EOD Regional Nodes
  2. ss2018_n

Next Step

  1. EOD Mets
  2. ss2018_m

Next Step

  1. Summary Stage
  2. ss2018_derived



Name Default Value Description NAACCR Item Metadata
Schema ID 00450 NAACCR #3800
Derived Version {{ctx_alg_version}} None None
Derived Summary Stage 2018 9 NAACCR #762