Cervical Lymph Nodes and Unknown Primary Tumor of the Head and Neck

Primary Site Histology Schema Discriminator 1
C760 8000-8700, 8720-8790, 8941, 9700-9701 2, 3, 4, 5


8000-8700, 8720-8790, 8941, 9700-9701 Schema Discriminator 1 Occult Head and Neck Lymph Nodes: 2, 3, 4, 5 C760 Head, face & neck, NOS **Note 1:** The following sources were used in the development of this schema * SEER Extent of Disease 1988: Codes and Coding Instructions (3rd Edition, 1998) (https://seer.cancer.gov/archive/manuals/EOD10Dig.3rd.pdf) * SEER Summary Staging Manual-2000: Codes and Coding Instructions (https://seer.cancer.gov/tools/ssm/ssm2000/) * Collaborative Stage Data Collection System, version 02.05: https://cancerstaging.org/cstage/Pages/default.aspx * Chapter 6 *Cervical Lymph Nodes and Unknown Primary Tumors of the Head and Neck*, in the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, Eighth Edition (2017) published by Springer International Publishing. Used with permission of the American College of Surgeons, Chicago, Illinois. **Note 2:** *Schema Discriminator 1: Occult Head and Neck Lymph Nodes* is used to discriminate between Cervical Lymph Nodes and Unknown Primary Tumor of the Head and Neck, Ill-Defined Other and Soft Tissue Other when primary site is C760. **Note 3:** See the following schemas for the listed histologies * 8000-8700, 8720-8790, 9700-9701 (Schema Discriminator 1 Occult Head and Neck Lymph Nodes: 0,1): *Ill-defined Other* * 8941(Schema Discriminator 1 Occult Head and Neck Lymph Nodes: 0,1): *Soft Tissue Other* * 8710-8714, 8800-8934, 8940, 8950-9137, 9141-9582: *Soft Tissue Other* * 8935-8936: *GIST* * 9140: *Kaposi Sarcoma* **Note 4:** This schema applies when cervical lymph nodes are involved with cancer and the primary site is not known but is suspected to be in the head and neck, i.e., in one or more of the sites listed below. Cancer registry standard setters have agreed that such cancers should be coded to primary site code C760 to accommodate staging recommended by AJCC. * Lip: C003-C005, C008-C009 * Base of Tongue: C019 * Other and Unspecified Parts of Tongue: C020-C024, C028, C029 * Gum: C030-C031, C039 * Floor of Mouth: C040-C041, C048-C049 * Palate: C050-C052, C058-C059 * Other and Unspecified Parts of Mouth: C060-C062, C068-C069 * Parotid gland: C079 * Major Salivary Glands: C080-C81, C088-C089 * Tonsil: C090-C91, C098-C099 * Oropharynx: C100-C104, C108-C109 * Nasopharynx: C110-C113, C118-C119 * Pyriform sin: C129 * Hypopharynx: C130-C132. C138-C139 * Other and Ill-defined Sites in Lip, Oral Cavity and Pharynx: C140, C142, C148 * Nasal cavity: C300 * Middle ear: C301 * Accessory Sinuses: C310-C313, C318-C319 * Larynx: C320-C323, C328-C329 * Skin of lip: C440 * Skin of ear & external auricular canal: C442 * Skin of other & unspecified parts of face: C443 * Skin of scalp & neck: C444 **Note 5:** If the physician indicates that the metastatic cervical lymph node is most likely from a head and neck primary, then code primary site as C760. If the differential diagnosis includes non-head and neck sites, for example, the path report states metastasis to the cervical lymph node could be from a head and neck primary, lung primary, or gynecologic primary OR if there is no information indicating origin of primary tumor, then code primary site as C809 (Ill Defined Other)

Data Items

Name Default Value Used for Staging NAACCR Item Required By Metadata
Year of Diagnosis <BLANK> No NAACCR #390 None
Primary Site <BLANK> Yes NAACCR #400 None
Histology <BLANK> Yes NAACCR #522 None
Behavior <BLANK> Yes NAACCR #523 None
Schema Discriminator 1 <BLANK> Yes NAACCR #3926 All SSDI
Tumor Size Clinical <BLANK> No NAACCR #752 None
Tumor Size Pathological <BLANK> No NAACCR #754 None
Tumor Size Summary 999 No NAACCR #756 None
Regional Nodes Positive 99 No NAACCR #820 None
Regional Nodes Examined 99 No NAACCR #830 None
LVI 8 No NAACCR #1182 None
RX Summ Surgery/Radiation Sequence <BLANK> No NAACCR #1380 None
RX Summ Systemic/Surgery Sequence <BLANK> No NAACCR #1639 None
EOD Primary Tumor 800 Yes NAACCR #772 None
EOD Regional Nodes 999 Yes NAACCR #774 None
EOD Mets 00 Yes NAACCR #776 None
SS2018 <BLANK> No NAACCR #764 None
Grade Clinical 9 No NAACCR #3843 CCCR/Canada
Grade Pathological 9 No NAACCR #3844 CCCR/Canada
Grade Post Therapy <BLANK> No NAACCR #3845 CCCR/Canada
Extranodal Exten H&N Clin 8 No NAACCR #3831 COC SSDI
Extranodal Exten H&N Path X.8 No NAACCR #3832 CCCR/Canada
Lymph Nodes Size of Mets XX.8 No NAACCR #3883 CCCR/Canada
Lymph Nodes H&N Lev I-III 8 No NAACCR #3876 COC
Lymph Nodes H&N Lev IV-V 8 No NAACCR #3877 COC
Lymph Nodes H&N Lev VI-VII 8 No NAACCR #3878 COC
Lymph Nodes H&N Other 8 No NAACCR #3879 COC

Initial Context

Staging Methods

Expand All | Collapse All

Summary Stage 2018


Additional Context
eod_2018_t = 90
eod_2018_m = 90
eod_2018_n = 90

Next Step

  1. EOD Primary Tumor
  2. ss2018_t

Next Step

  1. EOD Regional Nodes
  2. ss2018_n

Next Step

  1. EOD Mets
  2. ss2018_m

Next Step

  1. Summary Stage
  2. ss2018_derived



Name Default Value Description NAACCR Item Metadata
Schema ID 00060 NAACCR #3800
Derived Version {{ctx_alg_version}} None None
Derived Summary Stage 2018 9 NAACCR #762