
Primary Site Histology
C750 8000-8700, 8720-8790, 9700-9701


8000-8700, 8720-8790, 9700-9701

C750 Parathyroid

Note 1: The following sources were used in the development of this schema

  • SEER Extent of Disease 1988: Codes and Coding Instructions (3rd Edition, 1998) (
  • SEER Summary Staging Manual-2000: Codes and Coding Instructions (
  • Collaborative Stage Data Collection System, version 02.05:
  • Chapter 75 Parathyroid, in the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, Eighth Edition (2017) published by Springer International Publishing. Used with permission of the American College of Surgeons, Chicago, Illinois.

Note 2: See the following schemas for the listed histologies

  • 8710-8714, 8800-8803, 8810-8905, 8912, 8921, 8932-8934, 8940-8990, 9000-9016, 9030-9043, 9045-9110, 9121-9137, 9141-9230, 9240-9580, 9582: Soft Tissue Abdomen and Thoracic
  • 8804-8806, 8910, 8920, 8930-8931, 8991, 9020, 9044, 9120, 9231, 9581: Soft Tissue Other
  • 8935-8936: GIST
  • 9140: Kaposi Sarcoma

Note 3: The number of parathyroid glands differs among individuals; however, most people have two superior and two inferior parathyroid glands.

Note 4: Parathyroid carcinoma develops within the parathyroid gland itself, and the location of the carcinoma is dependent on the embryologic descent and location of the affected gland.

Data Items

Name Default Value Used for Staging NAACCR Item Required By Metadata
Year of Diagnosis <BLANK> No NAACCR #390 None
Primary Site <BLANK> Yes NAACCR #400 None
Histology <BLANK> Yes NAACCR #522 None
Behavior <BLANK> No NAACCR #523 None
Tumor Size Clinical <BLANK> No NAACCR #752 None
Tumor Size Pathological <BLANK> No NAACCR #754 None
Tumor Size Summary 999 No NAACCR #756 None
Regional Nodes Positive 99 No NAACCR #820 None
Regional Nodes Examined 99 No NAACCR #830 None
RX Summ Surgery/Radiation Sequence <BLANK> No NAACCR #1380 None
RX Summ Systemic/Surgery Sequence <BLANK> No NAACCR #1639 None
EOD Primary Tumor 999 Yes NAACCR #772 None
EOD Regional Nodes 999 Yes NAACCR #774 None
EOD Mets 00 Yes NAACCR #776 None
SS2018 <BLANK> No NAACCR #764 None
Grade Clinical 9 No NAACCR #3843 CCCR/Canada
Grade Pathological 9 No NAACCR #3844 CCCR/Canada
Grade Post Therapy <BLANK> No NAACCR #3845 CCCR/Canada