Derived Summary Stage 2018: Vulva

Derived Summary Stage 2018




SS2018 Description
0 In situ: noninvasive, intraepithelial
1 Localized only (localized, NOS) * Invasive carcinoma WITH or WITHOUT stromal invasion confined to + Musculature + Submucosa + Vulva including skin FIGO Stage I (IA, IB, I NOS)
2 Regional by direct extension only + Adjacent perineal structures + Anus + Bladder wall or bladder, NOS excluding mucosa + Perianal skin + Rectal wall or rectum, NOS excluding mucosa + Urethra, NOS * Lower/distal third of urethra + Vagina, NOS + Vulva and perineum involved WITH or WITHOUT stromal invasion FIGO Stage II
3 Regional lymph node(s) involved only + Femoral + Inguinal, NOS + Inguinofemoral (groin) + Node of Cloquet or Rosenmuller (highest deep inguinal) + Superficial inguinal + Regional lymph node(s), NOS * Lymph node(s), NOS FIGO Stage III (IIIA, IIIB, IIIC, III NOS), IVA * Localized tumor WITH regional lymph node involvement
4 Regional by BOTH direct extension AND regional lymph node(s) involved - Codes (2) + (3)
7 Distant site(s)/lymph node(s) involved - Distant site(s) (including further contiguous extension) * Bladder mucosa * Fixed to pubic bone (pelvic bone) * Perineal body * Rectal mucosa * Urethra: upper/proximal two-thirds - Distant lymph node(s), NOS - Pelvic, NOS + Iliac, NOS + Common + External + Internal (hypogastric) (obturator) + Paracervical + Parametrial + Sacral, NOS + Lateral (laterosacral) + Middle (promontorial) (Gerota's node) + Presacral + Uterosacral - Distant metastasis, NOS + Carcinomatosis + Distant metastasis WITH or WITHOUT distant lymph node(s) FIGO Stage IVA * NONE or UNKNOWN regional lymph node involvement FIGO Stage IVB, IV NOS
9 Unknown if extension or metastasis