Derived Summary Stage 2018: Pancreas

Derived Summary Stage 2018




SS2018 Description
0 In situ, intraepithelial, noninvasive - High-grade pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIn-3) - Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm with high grade dysplasia - Intraductal tubulopapillary neoplasm with high grade neoplasm - Mucinous cystic neoplasm with high-grade dysplasia
1 Localized only (localized, NOS) - Confined to pancreas
2 Regional by direct extension only - All sites + Ampulla of Vater + Blood vessel(s) (major) * Aortic artery * Celiac artery * Common hepatic artery * Further contiguous extension to other major arteries * Portal vein * Superior mesenteric artery/vein + Duodenum + Extrahepatic bile duct(s) + Fixation to adjacent structure(s), NOS + Peripancreatic tissue, NOS + Stomach - Pancreas Head (C250) + Adjacent stomach + Blood vessel(s) (major) * Gastroduodenal artery + Transverse colon, including hepatic flexure - Pancreas Body Tail (C251, C252) + Spleen + Splenic artery/vein + Splenic flexure
3 Regional lymph node(s) involved only - All sites + Anterior, NOS + Common hepatic artery + Hepatic, NOS + Inferior to head and body of pancreas + Lateral aortic (lumbar) + Pancreaticoduodenal (anterior, posterior) + Peripancreatic, NOS + Posterior, NOS + Proximal mesentery (anterior, posterior) + Retroperitoneal + Superior mesenteric + Superior to head and body of pancreas + Regional lymph node(s), NOS * Lymph node(s), NOS - Pancreas Head (C250) + Common bile duct (pericholedochal) + Lateral wall (right) + Portal vein + Pyloric (infrapyloric, retropyloric, subpyloric, suprapyloric) + Pyloric, NOS - Pancreas Body Tail (C251, C252) + Gastroepiploic (gastro-omental, left) + Pancreaticosplenic (pancreaticolineal) + Splenic (artery, hilum, lineal) + Suprapancreatic - Pancreas Other (C253-C254, C257-C259) + Celiac + Common bile duct (pericholedochal) + Gastroepiploic (gastro-omental) + Lateral wall right + Pancreaticosplenic (pancreaticolienal) + Portal vein + Pyloric (infrapyloric, retropyloric, subpyloric, suprapyloric, NOS) + Splenic (artery, hilum, lineal) + Suprapancreatic
4 Regional by BOTH direct extension AND regional lymph node(s) involved - Codes (2) + (3)
7 Distant site(s)/lymph node(s) involved - Distant site(s) (including further contiguous extension to other organs) + All sites * Adrenal gland/suprarenal gland * Gallbladder * Kidney * Liver, including porta hepatis * Mesenteric fat * Mesentery * Mesocolon * Peritoneum * Retroperitoneum * Small intestine (excluding duodenum) * Ureter + Pancreas Head (C250) * Colon (other than transverse colon including hepatic flexure) * Omentum * Spleen + Pancreas Body Tail (C251, C252) * Colon (other than splenic flexure) * Diaphragm - Distant lymph node(s), NOS + Pancreas Head (C250) * Celiac * Gastroepiploic (gastro-omental), left * Pancreaticosplenic (pancreaticolienal) * Splenic (artery, hilum, lineal) * Suprapancreatic + Pancreas Body Tail (C251, C252) * Celiac * Common bile duct (pericholedochal) * Lateral wall (right) * Porta hepatic * Portal vein * Pyloric (infrapyloric, retropyloric, subpyloric, suprapyloric, NOS) - Distant metastasis, NOS + Carcinomatosis + Distant metastasis except distant lymph node(s) + Seeding of peritoneum, even if limited to the lesser sac region + Positive peritoneal cytology
9 Unknown if extension or metastasis