Derived Summary Stage 2018: Ovary and Primary Peritoneal Carcinoma

Derived Summary Stage 2018




SS2018 Description
0 In situ: noninvasive, intraepithelial - Limited to ovarian mucosa - Preinvasive - Serous tubal intraepithelial carcinoma (STIC) (8441/2)
1 Localized only (localized, NOS) Limited to one or both ovaries WITH capsule intact Limited to one or both ovaries WITH or WITHOUT surgical spill Limited to one or both ovaries WITHOUT or UNKNOWN * Tumor on ovarian surface * Malignant cells in ascites or peritoneal washings Confined to ovary, NOS Localized, NOS Localized primary peritoneal cancer + (Primary sites C481, C482, C488) FIGO Stage I (IA, IB, IC1, I NOS)
2 Regional by direct extension only Limited to one or both ovaries WITH * Tumor on ovarian surface * Malignant cells in ascites or peritoneal washings * Pelvic extension, NOS (below pelvic brim) Extension to and/or discontinuous metastasis to any of the following * Adnexa * Adjacent (pelvic) peritoneum * Bladder * Bladder serosa * Corpus uteri * Cul de sac (rectouterine pouch) * Fallopian tube(s) * Ligament(s) (broad, ovarian, round, suspensory) * Mesosalpinx (Mesovarium) * Parametrium * Pelvic wall * Rectosigmoid * Rectum * Sigmoid colon (including sigmoid mesentery) * Ureter (pelvic portion) * Uterus, NOS FIGO Stage IC2, IC3 FIGO Stage II (IIA, IIB, II NOS)
3 Regional lymph node(s) involved only - Intrabdominal - Para-aortic, NOS + Aortic + Lateral aortic/lateral lumbar + Periaortic - Pelvic, NOS + Iliac, NOS + Common + External + Internal (hypogastric) (obturator) + Paracervical + Parametrial + Sacral, NOS + Lateral (laterosacral) + Middle (promontorial) (Gerota's node) + Presacral + Uterosacral - Retroperitoneal, NOS - Subdiaphragmatic (primary peritoneal carcinoma) - Regional lymph node(s), NOS + Lymph node(s), NOS FIGO Stage IIIA1 (IIA1i, IIIA1ii, IIIA1 NOS) * Localized tumor WITH regional lymph node involvement
4 Regional by BOTH direct extension AND regional lymph node(s) involved - Codes (2) + (3)
7 Distant site(s)/lymph node(s) involved - Distant site(s) (including further contiguous extension) * Abdominal mesentery * Diaphragm * Gallbladder * Intestine, large (except rectum, rectosigmoid and sigmoid colon, see code 2) * Kidneys * Liver (capsular or parenchymal involvement) * Omentum (infracolic, NOS) * Pancreas * Pericolic gutter * Peritoneum, NOS * Peritoneal implants beyond pelvis * Pleural effusion with positive cytology * Small intestine * Spleen (capsular or parenchymal involvement) * Stomach * Ureters (outside pelvis) - Distant lymph node(s), NOS + Inguinal, NOS + Inguinofemoral (groin) + Node of Cloquet or Rosenmuller (highest deep inguinal) + Superficial inguinal (femoral) - Distant metastasis, NOS * Carcinomatosis (involvement of multiple parenchymal organs) + WITH or WITHOUT distant lymph node(s) OR pleural effusion * Distant metastasis WITH or WITHOUT distant lymph node(s) FIGO Stage III (IIIA, IIIA2, IIIB, IIIC, III NOS) FIGO Stage IV (IVA, IVB, IV NOS)
9 Unknown if extension or metastasis