Derived Summary Stage 2018: Lymphoma

Derived Summary Stage 2018


e 7.




SS2018 Description
1 Localized only Nodal Lymphomas - Single lymph node region involved - Involvement of multiple nodal chains in the SAME lymph node region Extranodal Lymphomas - Single extralymphatic site + WITHOUT nodal involvement (see code 2 for WITH nodal involvement) - Multifocal involvement of one extralymphatic organ/site (EXCEPT multifocal lung involvement or any liver involvement, see code 7) + WITHOUT nodal involvement (see code 7 for WITH nodal involvement)
2 Regional by direct extension only Bulky disease present Nodal Lymphomas - Two or more lymph node regions involved SAME side of diaphragm - Contiguous extension between extralymphatic sites and regional nodes + WITH or WITHOUT involvement of other nodal regions on SAME side of diaphragm Extranodal Lymphomas - Localized involvement of a single extralymphatic organ/site + WITH involvement of its regional lymph node(s) OR + WITH involvement of other lymph node(s) on the SAME side of the diaphragm
7 Distant site(s)/lymph node(s) involved - Distant involvement + Diffuse or disseminated involvement of ONE OR MORE extralymphatic organ(s)/site(s) WITH or WITHOUT nodal involvement + Involvement of isolated extralymphatic organ in absence of involvement of adjacent lymph nodes, but in conjunction with disease in distant sites + Involvement of lymph node regions on BOTH sides of the diaphragm WITH or WITHOUT spleen involvement + Involvement of lymph node regions ABOVE the diaphragm WITH spleen involvement + Multifocal involvement of one extralymphatic organ/site WITH nodal involvement + Noncontiguous extralymphatic organ involvement in conjunction with nodal disease (two or more sites involved) - Distant metastasis, NOS + Blood/peripheral blood + Bone marrow + Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) + Liver + Lung (other than by direct extension in code 2)
9 Unknown if extension or metastasis