EOD Regional Nodes
This input is used for staging
**Note 1:** **Regional nodes and nodes, NOS** * Code only regional nodes and nodes, NOS, in this field. Distant nodes are coded in EOD Mets. **Note 2:** **CLINICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL codes** This schema has lymph node codes that are defined as **CLINICAL** assessment only or **PATHOLOGICAL** assessment only. + **CLINICAL** assessment only codes (100, 300) are used when there is a clinical work up only and there is no surgical resection of the primary tumor or site. This includes FNA, core biopsy, sentinel node biopsy, or lymph node excision - *Exception:* If patient has neoadjuvant therapy, and the clinical assessment is greater than the pathological assessment, then the clinical assessment code would take priority + **PATHOLOGICAL** assessment only codes (200, 400, 500) are used when - Primary tumor or site surgically resected with - Any microscopic examination of regional lymph nodes. Includes - FNA, core biopsy, sentinel node biopsy or lymph node excision done during the clinical work up and/or - Lymph node dissection performed * Remaining codes (no designation of **CLINICAL** or **PATHOLOGICAL** only assessment) can be used based on clinical and/or pathological information * **Code 000** is used when there is no evidence of regional lymph nodes clinically **OR** lymph nodes are negative pathologically (*Regional Nodes Positive = 00, 98*) * **Code 800** is used when there are positive nodes (clinical or pathological), but the specific lymph nodes or number of positive nodes is unknown (*Regional Nodes Positive = 97*) * **Code 999** is used when the lymph node status is unknown and *Regional Nodes Positive = 99* **Note 3:** **Previous scrotal surgery and lymph nodes** * Involvement of inguinal, pelvic, or external iliac lymph nodes WITHOUT or unknown if previous scrotal or inguinal surgery prior to presentation of the testis tumor is coded in EOD Mets as distant lymph node involvement. **Note 4:** **Regional lymph nodes include** Aortic, NOS - Lateral (lumbar) - Para-aortic - Periaortic - Preaortic - Retroaortic Pericaval, NOS - Interaortocaval - Paracaval - Precaval - Retrocaval Retroperitoneal below the diaphragm or NOS Spermatic vein Lymph nodes **WITH** previous scrotal or inguinal surgery - External iliac - Inguinal nodes, NOS + Deep, NOS + Node of Cloquet or Rosenmuller (highest deep inguinal) + Superficial (femoral) - Pelvic **Note 5:** **Lymph nodes, NOS** * Code 800 if regional lymph nodes are involved, but there is no indication which ones are involved.Default
999NAACCR Item
NAACCR #774Code | Description | SS2018 N |
000 | No regional lymph node involvement | NONE |
100 | **CLINICAL assessment only** Metastasis in lymph node(s), all less than 2 cm | RN |
200 | **PATHOLOGICAL assessment only** Metastasis in lymph node(s), all less than 2 cm | RN |
300 | **CLINICAL assessment only** Metastasis lymph node(s) between 2 cm and 5 cm | RN |
400 | **PATHOLOGICAL assessment only** Metastasis in a lymph node, between 2 cm and 5 cm | RN |
500 | **PATHOLOGICAL assessment only** Extranodal extension of lymph nodes present | RN |
600 | Metastasis in a lymph node larger than 5 cm in greatest dimension | RN |
800 | Regional lymph node(s), NOS Lymph node(s), NOS | RN |
999 | Unknown; regional lymph node(s) not stated Regional lymph node(s) cannot be assessed Not documented in medical record Death Certificate Only | U |