EOD Regional Nodes
This input is used for staging
**Note 1:** **Regional nodes and nodes, NOS** * Code only regional nodes and nodes, NOS, in this field. Distant nodes are coded in EOD Mets. **Note 2:** **Hepatoduodenal nodes** * Hepatoduodenal nodes are regional for primaries of the lesser curvature of the stomach (C165). * They are coded in EOD Mets for all other subsites in this schema. **Note 3:** **Metastatic nodules in the fat** * Metastatic nodules in the fat adjacent to a gastric carcinoma, without evidence of residual lymph node tissue, are classified as regional node metastases, but nodules implanted on peritoneal surfaces are classified as distant metastases (see EOD Mets). **Note 4:** **CLINICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL codes** * This schema has lymph node codes that are defined as **CLINICAL** assessment only or **PATHOLOGICAL** assessment only. * **PATHOLOGICAL** assessment only codes (300, 400) are used when * Any microscopic examination of regional lymph nodes, includes * FNA, core biopsy, sentinel node biopsy or lymph node excision done during the clinical work up **AND/OR** * Lymph node dissection performed * Pathological codes 300, 400 take priority over codes 450-800 * **CLINICAL** assessment only codes (450-700) are used when the **only** information on nodal involvement is based on **physical exam or imaging** * These codes are specifically for when there is no **microscopic confirmation** of regional lymph nodes (*Regional Nodes Positive = 98, 99*) * **Note:** Use codes 300 or 400 if *Regional Nodes Positive is 01-90, 95* * Remaining codes (no designation of **CLINICAL** or **PATHOLOGICAL** only assessment) can be used based on clinical and/or pathological information * **Code 000** is used when there is no evidence of regional lymph nodes clinically **OR** lymph nodes are negative pathologically (*Regional Nodes Positive = 00, 98*) * **Code 800** is used when there are positive nodes (clinical or pathological), but the specific lymph nodes or number of positive nodes is unknown (*Regional Nodes Positive = 97*) * **Code 999** is used when the lymph node status is unknown and *Regional Nodes Positive = 99*Default
999NAACCR Item
NAACCR #774Code | Description | SS2018 N |
000 | No regional lymph node involvement | NONE |
300 | **PATHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT ONLY** Celiac artery Common hepatic artery Hepatic, NOS Left gastric (superior gastric), NOS - Cardial, NOS - Cardioesophageal - Gastric artery - Gastric, left - Gastrohepatic - Gastropancreatic, left - Lesser curvature - Lesser omentum - Paracardial Pancreaticosplenic (pancreaticolineal) Perigastric, NOS Peripancreatic Pyloric, NOS - Infrapyloric (subpyloric) - Suprapyloric Right gastric (inferior gastric, NOS) - Gastrocolic - Gastroduodenal - Gastroepiploic (gastro-omental), right or NOS - Gastrohepatic - Greater curvature - Greater omentum - Pancreaticoduodenal Splenic (lineal), NOS - Gastroepiploic (gastro-omental), left - Splenic hilar/hilum Nodule(s) in perigastric fat | RN |
400 | **PATHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT ONLY** Lesser curvature (C165) - Hepatoduodenal (See Note 2) | D |
450 | **CLINICAL ASSESSMENT ONLY** One-two positive nodes clinically OR stated as Clinical N1 | RN |
500 | **CLINICAL ASSESSMENT ONLY** Three-six positive nodes clinically OR stated as Clinical N2 | RN |
600 | **CLINICAL ASSESSMENT ONLY** Seven to fifteen nodes clinically OR stated as Clinical N3 [NOS] OR N3a | RN |
700 | **CLINICAL ASSESSMENT ONLY** Fifteen nodes or greater clinically OR stated as Clinical N3b | RN |
800 | Positive nodes, number unknown Unknown if clinical or pathological assessment Regional lymph node(s), NOS Lymph node(s), NOS | RN |
999 | Unknown; regional lymph node(s) not stated Regional lymph node(s) cannot be assessed Not documented in medical record Death Certificate Only | U |