EOD Primary Tumor
This input is used for staging
**Note 1:** **Wall of the stomach** * The wall of the stomach has five layers * Mucosal (code 100) * Submucosal (code 200) * Muscular (code 400) * Subserosal (code 500) and serosal (code 600). **Note 2:** **Linitis plastica** * Code 400 if the diagnosis states linitis plastica and no other information regarding extension is available. * Linitis plastica is defined as diffuse involvement of the entire thickness of the stomach wall. **Note 3:** **Intraluminal or intramural extension** * Intraluminal or intramural extension to esophagus and duodenum is classified by the depth of greatest invasion in any of these sites, including stomach. * (For extension to esophagus or duodenum via serosa, see code 700). **Note 4:** **Contiguous versus discontiguous extension** * For structures listed in codes 700 and 750, contiguous extension is coded in this field. * If there is discontiguous extension of any of these structures, code involvement in EOD Mets.Default
999NAACCR Item
NAACCR #772Code | Description | SS2018 T |
000 | In situ, intraepithelial, noninvasive (Adeno)carcinoma, noninvasive, in a polyp | IS |
100 | Intramucosal, NOS Lamina propria Muscularis mucosae Perimuscular tissue invaded Mucosa - WITH or WITHOUT intraluminal extension to esophagus or duodenum | L |
200 | Submucosa (superficial, NOS) - WITH or WITHOUT intraluminal extension to esophagus or duodenum | L |
300 | Confined to polyp (head, stalk, NOS) Implants inside stomach Confined to stomach, NOS Localized, NOS | L |
400 | Muscularis propria (but not through) - WITH or WITHOUT intraluminal extension to esophagus or duodenum Linitis plastica and no other information regarding extension available | L |
500 | Through muscularis propria or muscularis, NOS * WITH or WITHOUT intraluminal extension to esophagus or duodenum Extension through wall, NOS Perimuscular tissue invaded Subserosal tissue/(sub)serosal fat invaded | L |
600 | Extension to adjacent (connective) tissue * WITHOUT perforation of visceral peritoneum covering these structures Gastric artery Ligaments - Gastrocolic - Gastrohepatic - Gastrosplenic Omentum (greater, lesser, NOS) Perigastric fat | RE |
650 | Mesothelium Serosa Tunica serosa Visceral peritoneum | RE |
700 | Colon/mesocolon (including transverse and flexures) Diaphragm Duodenum (via serosa) (see Note 3) Esophagus (via serosa) (see Note 3) Ileum Jejunum Liver Pancreas Small intestine, NOS Spleen | RE |
750 | Abdominal wall Adrenal (suprarenal) gland Aorta Celiac axis Kidney Retroperitoneum Further contiguous extension | D |
800 | No evidence of primary tumor | U |
999 | Unknown; extension not stated Primary tumor cannot be assessed Not documented in medical record Death Certificate Only | U |