EOD Primary Tumor
This input is used for staging
**Note 1:** **Islets of Langerhans** * Islets of Langerhans are distributed throughout the pancreas; an islet tumor is coded according to the subsite of the pancreas in which the tumor arises if the information is available. **Note 2:** **Abutment, encasement** * The terms "abutment," "abut(s)," "encases," or "encasement" of the major blood vessels can be interpreted as involvement of these structures.Default
999NAACCR Item
NAACCR #772Code | Description | SS2018 T |
000 | In situ: Noninvasive; intraepithelial - High-grade pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIn-3) - Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm with high grade dysplasia - Intraductal tubulopapillary neoplasm with high grade dysplasia - Mucinous cystic neoplasm with high-grade dysplasia | IS |
100 | Any size tumor - Confined to pancreas - Localized, NOS | L |
500 | Any size tumor All sites - Ampulla of Vater - Duodenum - Extrahepatic bile duct(s) - Portal vein - Peripancreatic tissue, NOS - Stomach - Superior mesenteric vein Head of pancreas - Adjacent stomach - Gastroduodenal artery - Transverse colon, including hepatic flexure Body and/or tail of pancreas - Spleen - Splenic artery/vein - Splenic flexure Fixation to adjacent structure(s), NOS | RE |
600 | Aortic artery Celiac [axis] artery Common hepatic artery Superior mesenteric artery Further contiguous extension to other major arteries | RE |
700 | Adrenal gland/suprarenal gland Gallbladder Kidney Liver, including porta hepatis Mesenteric fat Mesentery Mesocolon Peritoneum Retroperitoneum Small intestine (excluding duodenum, see code 500) Ureter Further contiguous extension to other organs Head of pancreas - Colon (other than transverse colon including hepatic flexure, see code 500) - Omentum - Spleen Body and/or tail of pancreas with extension to - Colon (other than splenic flexure) - Diaphragm | D |
800 | No evidence of primary tumor | U |
999 | Unknown; extension not stated Primary tumor cannot be assessed Not documented in medical record Death Certificate Only | U |