Grade Post Therapy Path (yp)

This input is used for staging


**Note 1:** Leave Grade Post Therapy Path (yp) blank when * No neoadjuvant therapy * Clinical or pathological case only * Neoadjuvant therapy completed; surgical resection not done * There is only one grade available and it cannot be determined if it is clinical, pathological, post therapy clinical or post therapy pathological **Note 2:** There is a preferred grading system for this schema. If the post therapy clinical grade given uses the preferred grading system and the post therapy pathological grade does not use the preferred grading system, do not record the Grade Post Therapy Clin (yc) in the Grade Post Therapy Path (yp) field. Assign Grade Post Therapy Path (yp) using the applicable generic grade codes (A-D). * *Example:* Neoadjuvant therapy completed. Biopsy shows a myxofibrosarcoma, FNCLCC grade score 2. The surgical resection states a high grade myxofibrosarcoma * Code Grade Post Therapy Clin (yc) as 2 (G2) since FNCLCC is the preferred grading system * Code Grade Post Therapy Path (yp) as D for high grade, per the Coding Guidelines for Generic Grade Categories **Note 3:** Assign the highest grade from the resected primary tumor assessed after the completion of neoadjuvant therapy. **Note 4:** If there are multiple tumors with different grades abstracted as one primary, code the highest grade. **Note 5:** Code 1 for stated as “low grade” only. **Note 6:** Codes 1-3 take priority over A-D, H. **Note 7:** Use the grade from the post therapy **clinical work up** from the primary tumor in different scenarios based on behavior or surgical resection * **Behavior** * Tumor behavior for the post therapy clinical and the post therapy pathological diagnoses are the same AND the post therapy clinical grade is the highest grade * Tumor behavior for post therapy clinical diagnosis is invasive, and the tumor behavior for the post therapy pathological diagnosis is in situ * **Surgical Resection** * Surgical resection is done of the primary tumor after neoadjuvant therapy is completed and there is no grade documented from the surgical resection * Surgical resection is done of the primary tumor after neoadjuvant therapy is completed and there is no residual cancer **Note 8:** Code 9 (unknown) when * Surgical resection is done after neoadjuvant therapy and grade from the primary site is not documented and there is no grade from the post therapy clinical work up * Surgical resection is done after neoadjuvant therapy and there is no residual cancer and there is no grade from the post therapy clinical work up * Grade checked "not applicable" on CAP Protocol (if available) and no other grade information is available **Note 9:** If you are assigning an AJCC Staging System stage group * Grade is required to assign stage group * Codes A-D are treated as an unknown grade when assigning AJCC stage group * An unknown grade may result in an unknown stage group


NAACCR #3845


Code Description
1 G1: Sum of differentiation score, mitotic count score and necrosis score equals 2 or 3 Stated as FNCLCC Grade 1
2 G2: Sum of differentiation score, mitotic count score and necrosis score of 4 or 5 Stated as FNCLCC Grade 2
3 G3: Sum of differentiation score, mitotic count score and necrosis score of 6, 7, or 8 Stated as FNCLCC Grade 3
A Well differentiated
B Moderately differentiated
C Poorly differentiated
D Undifferentiated, anaplastic
H Stated as "high grade" only
9 Grade cannot be assessed (GX); Unknown
<BLANK> See Note 1