Grade Pathological


Note 1: Grade Pathological must not be blank.

Note 2: There is a preferred grading system for this schema. If the clinical grade given uses the preferred grading system and the pathological grade does not use the preferred grading system, do not record the Grade Clinical in the Grade Pathological field.

  • Example: Biopsy reports states moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma. The surgical resection states a high grade adenocarcinoma. Assign Grade Pathological 9
    • Code Grade Clinical as 2 since Moderately differentiated (G2) is the preferred grading system
    • Code Grade Pathological as 9 (unknown) per Note 5. Code H would not be used since the histology was not an urothelial histology

Note 3: Assign the highest grade from the primary tumor.

Note 4: If there are multiple tumors with different grades abstracted as one primary, code the highest grade.

Note 5: Priority order for codes

  • Urothelial cancers (WHO/ISUP grade): use codes L, H and 9
    • If only G1-G3 are documented, code 9
  • Adenocarcinomas and Squamous Cell Carcinomas: use codes 1-3, 9
    • If only L or H are documented, code 9

Note 6: G3 includes undifferentiated and anaplastic.

Note 7: For bladder, a TURB does not qualify for surgical resection. A cystectomy, or partial cystectomy, must be performed

Note 8: Use the grade from the clinical work up from the primary tumor in different scenarios based on behavior or surgical resection

  • Behavior
    • Tumor behavior for the clinical and the pathological diagnoses are the same AND the clinical grade is the highest grade
    • Tumor behavior for clinical diagnosis is invasive, and the tumor behavior for the pathological diagnosis is in situ
  • Surgical Resection
    • Surgical resection is done of the primary tumor and there is no grade documented from the surgical resection
    • Surgical resection is done of the primary tumor and there is no residual cancer
  • No surgical resection
    • Surgical resection of the primary tumor has not been done, but there is positive microscopic confirmation of distant metastases during the clinical time frame

Note 9: Code 9 (unknown) when

  • Grade from primary site is not documented
  • No resection of the primary site (see exception in Note 8, Surgical resection, last bullet)
  • Neo-adjuvant therapy is followed by a resection (see Grade Post Therapy Path (yp))
  • Grade checked “not applicable” on CAP Protocol (if available) and no other grade information is available
  • Clinical case only (see Grade Clinical)
  • There is only one grade available and it cannot be determined if it is clinical, pathological, post therapy clinical or post therapy pathological




NAACCR #3844


Code Description

G1: Well differentiated


G2: Moderately differentiated


G3: Poorly differentiated


LG: Low-grade


HG: High-grade


Grade cannot be assessed (GX); Unknown