Number of Positive Pelvic Nodes


**Note 1:** Physician statement of positive pelvic nodes can be used to code this data item when no other information is available. **Note 2:** The following are pelvic nodes * Iliac, NOS + Common + External + Internal [hypogastric] [obturator] * Paracervical * Parametrial * Pelvic, NOS * Sacral, NOS + Lateral [laterosacral] + Middle [promontorial] [Gerota's node] + Uterosacral **Note 3:** Record the number of positive pelvic lymph nodes documented in the medical record. **Note 4:** For this data item, do not include isolated tumor cells (ITCs). **Note 5:** Micrometastasis and macrometastasis may be listed separately on the pathology report. Add these two together to get the total number of positive nodes. **Note 6:** Code X9 if no lymph node dissection is performed. * If only a FNA or core biopsy is done and it is positive, then code X6 * If only a FNA or core biopsy is done and it is negative, then code X9 * Code X9 when no lymph nodes are removed **Note 7:** The number of examined pelvic nodes is recorded in Number of Examined Pelvic Nodes [NAACCR Data Item #3900].




NAACCR #3902


Code Description
00 All pelvic nodes examined negative
01-99 1 - 99 pelvic nodes positive (Exact number of nodes positive)
X1 100 or more pelvic nodes positive
X2 Positive pelvic nodes identified, number unknown
X6 Positive aspiration or core biopsy of pelvic lymph node(s)
X8 Not applicable: Information not collected for this case (If this item is required by your standard setter, use of code X8 will result in an edit error.)
X9 Not documented in medical record Cannot be determined, indeterminate if positive pelvic nodes present No lymph node dissection performed Pelvic lymph nodes not assessed or unknown if assessed