000 |
No mass/tumor found |
001 |
1 mm or described as less than 1 mm |
002-988 |
Exact size in millimeters (2 mm to 988 mm) |
989 |
989 millimeters or larger |
990 |
Microscopic focus or foci only and no size of focus is given |
998 |
Alternate descriptions of tumor size for specific sites:
Familial/multiple polyposis:
- Rectosigmoid and rectum (C19.9, C20.9)
- Colon (C18.0, C18.2-C18.9)
If no size is documented:
- Esophagus (C15.0-C15.5, C15.8-C15.9)
Diffuse; widespread: 3/4s or more; linitis plastica:
- Stomach and Esophagus GE Junction (C16.0-C16.6, C16.8-C16.9)
Diffuse, entire lung or NOS:
- Lung and main stem bronchus (C34.0-C34.3, C34.8-C34.9)
- Breast (C50.0-C50.6, C50.8-C50.9) |
999 |
Size not stated;
Not documented in patient record;
Size of tumor cannot be assessed;
Not applicable |