EOD Primary Tumor
This input is used for staging
999NAACCR Item
NAACCR #772Code | Description | SS2018 T |
000 | In situ; noninvasive; intraepithelial | IS |
100 | Confined to tissue or organ of origin Localized, NOS | L |
200 | Adjacent connective tissue Adjacent organ(s)/structure(s) - Adnexa - Broad ligament(s) - Cervix uteri - Corpus uteri - Fallopian tube(s) - Ovary(ies) - Parametrium - Round ligament(s) - Uterus, NOS - Vagina | RE |
700 | Other organ(s) of pelvis Further contiguous extension | D |
800 | No evidence of primary tumor | U |
999 | Unknown; extension not stated Primary tumor cannot be assessed Not documented in patient record Death Certificate Only | U |