EOD Primary Tumor
This input is used for staging
**Note:** Code 300 If there is fixation of hemilarynx or larynx.Default
999NAACCR Item
NAACCR #772Code | Description | SS2018 T |
000 | In situ, intraepithelial, noninvasive | IS |
100 | Any size tumor confined to one site WITHOUT fixation - Laryngopharynx - Postcricoid area - Posterior pharyngeal wall - Pyriform sinus Confined to hypopharynx Localized, NOS | L |
150 | Any size tumor confined to more than one subsite in code 100 - WITHOUT fixation | L |
200 | Any size tumor with extension to - Hemilarynx WITHOUT fixation - Oropharynx WITH or WITHOUT fixation Any structure listed in code 100 with fixation | RE |
300 | Esophagus Hemilarynx WITH fixation | RE |
400 | Central compartment soft tissues of neck including - Prelaryngeal strap muscle(s) - Subcutaneous fat Cricoid cartilage Esophagus Extrinsic muscle of tongue Fixation of hemilarynx, larynx or oropharynx Hard palate Hemilarynx Mandible Medial pterygoid Oropharynx Prevertebral fascia/muscle(s) Soft tissues of neck Thyroid cartilage/gland | RE |
500 | Hyoid bone | D |
600 | Carotid artery (encased) | RE |
700 | Base of tongue Floor of tongue Mediastinal structure(s) Nasopharynx Further contiguous extension | D |
800 | No evidence of primary tumor | U |
999 | Unknown; extension not stated Primary tumor cannot be assessed Not documented in patient record Death Certificate Only | U |