Summary Stage 2018: Cervical Lymph Nodes and Unknown Primary Tumors of Head and Neck

Summary Stage 2018


**Cervical Lymph Nodes and Unknown Primary Tumor of the Head and Neck** C000-C006, C008-C009: Lip C019: Base of Tongue, NOS C020-C024, C028, C029: Other and Unspecified Parts of Tongue C030-C031, C039: Gum C040-C041, C048-C049: Floor of Mouth C050-C052, C058-C059: Palate C060-C062, C068-C069: Other and Unspecified Parts of Mouth C079: Parotid gland C080-C081, C088-C089: Major Salivary Glands C090-C091, C098-C099: Tonsil C100-C104, C108-C109: Oropharynx C110-C113, C118-C119: Nasopharynx C129: Pyriform sinus C130-C132, C138-C139: Hypopharynx C140, C142, C148: Other and Ill-Defined Sites in Lip, Oral Cavity and Pharynx C300: Nasal cavity C301: Middle ear C310-C313, C318-C319: Accessory Sinuses C320-C323, C328-C329: Larynx C440: Skin of lip C442: Skin of ear & external auricular canal C443: Skin of other & unspecified parts of face C444: Skin of scalp & neck C448: Overlapping lesion of skin C809: Unknown primary site **Note 1:** The following sources were used in the development of this schema * SEER Extent of Disease 1988: Codes and Coding Instructions (3rd Edition, 1998) ( * SEER Summary Staging Manual-2000: Codes and Coding Instructions ( * Collaborative Stage Data Collection System, version 02.05: * Chapter 6 *Cervical Lymph Nodes and Unknown Primary Tumors of the Head and Neck*, in the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, Eighth Edition (2017) published by Springer International Publishing. Used with permission of the American College of Surgeons, Chicago, Illinois. **Note 2:** Codes 0, 1, 2, and 4 are not applicable for this schema.


SS2018 Description
3 Regional lymph node(s) involved only - Level I + Level IA - Submental + Level IB - Submandibular (submaxillary), sublingual - Level II - Upper jugular + Jugulodigastric (subdigastric) + Upper deep cervical + Level IIA - Anterior + Level IIB - Posterior - Level III - Middle jugular + Middle deep cervical - Level IV - Lower jugular + Jugulo-omohyoid (supraomohyoid) + Lower deep cervical + Virchow node - Level V - Posterior triangle group + Posterior cervical + Level VA - Spinal accessory + Level VB - Transverse cervical, supraclavicular - Level VI - Anterior compartment group + Laterotracheal + Paralaryngeal + Paratracheal - above suprasternal notch + Perithyroidal + Precricoid (Delphian) + Prelaryngeal + Pretracheal - above suprasternal notch + Recurrent laryngeal - Level VII - Superior mediastinal group (for other mediastinal node(s) see code 7) + Esophageal groove + Paratracheal - below suprasternal notch + Pretracheal - below suprasternal notch - Other groups + Cervical, NOS + Deep cervical, NOS + Facial * Buccinator (buccal) * Mandibular * Nasolabial + Internal jugular, NOS + Parapharyngeal + Parotid * Infraauricular * Intraparotid * Periparotid * Preauricular + Retroauricular (mastoid) + Retropharyngeal + Suboccipital - Regional lymph node(s), NOS + Lymph node(s), NOS
7 Distant site(s)/lymph node(s) involved - Distant site(s) (including further contiguous extension) + Bone, NOS + Cartilage, NOS + Cortical bone (mandible, maxilla, NOS) + Deep (extrinsic) muscle of tongue * Genioglossus * Hyoglossus * Palatoglossus * Styloglossus + Hard palate including cortical palatine bone + Internal carotid artery (encased) + Mandible, NOS + Masticator space + Maxilla, NOS + Maxillary sinus (antrum) + Nasal cavity + Pterygoid plates + Skin of cheek (WITH or WITHOUT ulceration) + Skull base + Soft palate + Specified bone (other than maxilla, mandible, palatine) + Tongue + Trabecular bone (mandible, maxilla, palatine, NOS) - Distant lymph node(s), NOS + Mediastinal (excluding superior mediastinal node(s)) - Distant metastasis, NOS + Carcinomatosis + Distant metastasis WITH or WITHOUT distant lymph node(s)
9 Unknown if extension or metastasis
(1) Fritz AG, Ries LAG (eds). **SEER Extent of Disease 1988: Codes and Coding Instructions (3rd Edition, 1998)**, National Cancer Institute, NIH Pub. No. 98-2313, Bethesda, MD, 1998 (2) Young JL Jr, Roffers SD, Ries LAG, Fritz AG, Hurlbut AA (eds.). **SEER Summary Staging Manual-2000: Codes and Coding Instructions**, National Cancer Institute, NIH Pub. No. 01-4969, Bethesda, MD, 2001. (3) Collaborative Stage Work Group of the American Joint Committee on Cancer. **Collaborative Stage Data Collection System User Documentation and Coding Instructions, version 02.05**. American Joint Committee on Cancer (Chicago, IL) (4) Gress, D.M., Edge, S.B., Gershenwald, J.E., et al. **Principles of Cancer Staging**. In: Amin, M.B., Edge, S.B., Greene, F.L., et al. (Eds.) AJCC Cancer Staging Manual. 8th Ed. New York: Springer; 2017: 3-30 (5) Lydiatt, W.M., Patel, S.G., Shah, J.P., et al. **Staging Head and Neck Cancers**. In: Amin, M.B., Edge, S.B., Greene, F.L., et al. (Eds.) AJCC Cancer Staging Manual. 8th Ed. New York: Springer; 2017: 55-65 (6) Patel, S.G., Lydiatt, W.M., Shah, J.P., et al. **Cervical Lymph Nodes and Unknown Primary Tumors of the Head and Neck**. In: Amin, M.B., Edge, S.B., Greene, F.L., et al. (Eds.) AJCC Cancer Staging Manual. 8th Ed. New York: Springer; 2017: 67-78