EOD v3.0 Known Issues:
Anus V9
- Derived EOD 2018 Stage Group [818]: If EOD Primary Tumor [772] = 000, the Derived EOD 2018 T [785] is set to 88, but the Derived EOD 2018 N [815] and Derived EOD 2018 M [795] are not set to 88. This causes the Derived EOD 2018 Stage Group to fail to derive and set a value of 90. This is failing Derived EOD 2018 Stage Group (N3017). This error will be ignored by SEER in Nov 2023 (Current plan is to adjust the edit).
Cervix 8th, Vagina, Vulva 8th, Vulva V9
- LN Status: Femoral-Inguinal [3959], LN Status: Para-aortic [3958], LN Status: Pelvic[3957]: These SSDIs are required by CoC and SEER
Melanoma Skin
- Clinical Margin Width [3961]: This SSDI is not required by the NPCR
Retroperitoneum, Soft Tissue Trunk and Extremities
- Derived EOD 2018 Stage Group [818]: Grade Clinical [3843], Grade Pathological [3844], Grade Post Therapy Clin (yc) [1068], Grade Post Therapy Path (yp) [3845] had code 'H' for high grade added, but the value was not added to the calculation table for Derived EOD 2018 Stage Group. This causes the Derived EOD 2018 Stage Group to fail to derive and set a value of 90. This is failing Derived EOD 2018 Stage Group (N3017). This error will be ignored by SEER in Nov 2023 (Current plan is to adjust the edit).
EOD v3.0 Review and Conversion
After EOD v3.0 has been deployed
If you are required to calculate the Derived EOD 2018 T [785], Derived EOD 2018 N [815], Derived EOD 2018 M [795]. Derived EOD 2018 Stage Group [818], or Derived Summary Stage 2018 [762]
Recalculate the Derived 2018 fields for the following schema:
- Appendix 8th, Bile Duct Distal, Bile Ducts Perihilar, Colon and Rectum, Cystic Duct, Gallbladder, NET Jejunum and Ileum, Pancreas, Penis, Stomach, Testis: changes may occur in Derived EOD 2018 N and Derived EOD 2018 Stage Group
- Larynx Other: changes may occur in Derived EOD 2018 T, Derived EOD 2018 N, Derived EOD 2018 M and Derived EOD 2018 Stage Group
- Liver: changes may occur in Derived Summary Stage 2018
- Prostate: changes may occur in Derived EOD 2018 T and Derived EOD 2018 Stage Group
(These can always be applied. Calculation tables were updated. No review necessary.)
EOD v3.0 changes
EOD and SS2018
includes changes to schema definitions, EOD fields and SS2018
General Change
AJCC ID will no longer be shown on the SEER*RSA website. AJCC is the source for this field and to reduce confusion, this field and the logic to set it will no longer be displayed in SEER*RSA.
ANUS and APPENDIX: AJCC released the 9th revision of the Anus and Appendix diseases. There are now 2 schemas for each.
- Anus [8th: 2018-2022], Schema ID [#3800] = 00210, Edition = 08
- Anus [V9: 2023+], Schema ID = 09210, Edition = 09
- Appendix [8th: 2018-2022], Schema ID [#3800] = 00190, Edition = 08
- Appendix [V9: 2023+], Schema ID = 09190, Edition = 09
BRAIN, CNS OTHER, INTRACRANIAL GLAND and MEDULLOBLASTOMA: AJCC released the 9th revision of Brain and Spinal Cord which includes a split between the Medulloblastomas and the other Brain related diseases. There are 2 schemas each for Brain, CNS Other and Intracranial Gland. Medulloblastoma has been added.
- Brain [8th: 2018-2022], Schema ID [#3800] = 00721, Edition = 08
- Brain [V9: 2023+], Schema ID = 09721, Edition = 09
- CNS Other [8th: 2018-2022], Schema ID [#3800] = 00722, Edition = 08
- CNS Other [V9: 2023+], Schema ID = 09722, Edition = 09
- Intracranial Gland [8th: 2018-2022], Schema ID [#3800] = 00723, Edition = 08
- Intracranial Gland [V9: 2023+], Schema ID = 09723, Edition = 09
- Medulloblastoma [V9: 2023+], Schema ID = 09724, Edition = 09
Adnexa Uterine Other, Biliary Other, Brain, CNS Other, Cervical Lymph Nodes and Unknown Primary, Conjunctiva, Cutaneous Carcinoma of Head and Neck, Digestive Other, Endocrine Other, Eye Other, Fallopian Tube, Genital Female Other, Genital Male Other, Ill-Defined Other, Intracranial Gland, Kaposi Sarcoma, Lacrimal Gland, Lacrimal Sac, Melanoma Head and Neck, Middle Ear, NET Adrenal Gland, Ovary, Pharynx Other, Pleural Mesothelioma, Primary Peritoneal Carcinoma, Respiratory Other, Retinoblastoma, Sinus Other, Skin Other, Trachea, Urinary Other
- LVI: the table was changed from only containing 8 to one containing all valid values. Default changed to 9
- New schema added for AJCC V9 for 2023. Eligible histology list differs, as does TNM Edition Number. Name of original schema modified to include 8th. No conversions needed.
- New schema added for AJCC V9 for 2023. Eligible histology list differs, as does TNM Edition Number. Name of original schema modified to include 8th. No conversions needed.
- EOD Mets: Code 10 modified to include ‘peritoneal carcinomatosis’; Code 50 modified to ‘Excludes peritoneal carcinomatosis (see EOD Mets code 30)’
Bile Ducts Intrahepatic
- EOD Primary Tumor: Code 400 was added for Invasion into, but not through the visceral peritoneum
Bone Pelvis
- EOD Primary Tumor: Note 2 was added describing how to count the number of pelvic segments
- Summary Stage 2018: Note 5 and Note 6 were added discussing the number of adjacent vertebral segments for C412 and C414; Code 1 was modified to specify without or unknown extraosseous extension for the first C414 bullet and one to four pelvic segments for the second C414 bullet; Code 2 was modified to include one to four pelvic segments for the first C412 bullet
Brain, CNS Other, Intracranial Gland
- Schema Selection: In v2.1 there was a change to consolidate all histologies and behavior = 0, 1 into a single line. As this change was problematic in some applications, it was reversed. The actual valid site/histology/behavior combinations included did not change.
- New schema added for AJCC V9 for 2023. Eligible histology list differs, as does TNM Edition Number. Name of original schema modified to include 8th. No conversions needed.
Brain 8th, Brain V9
- EOD Primary Tumor: Note 3 was modified to remove CSF and add 'drop metastasis'
- EOD Primary Tumor: Code 300 was modified so text for ribs is more specific to Ipsilateral Ribs, contiguous extension
- EOD Mets: Code 70 was modified so text for Bone includes contralateral ribs and text was added for Ipsilateral Ribs, discontiguous extension
- Summary Stage 2018: Code 2 was modified so text for ribs is more specific to Ipsilateral Ribs, contiguous extension; Code 7 was modified so text for Bone includes contralateral ribs and text was added for Ipsilateral Ribs, discontiguous extension
Colon and Rectum
- EOD Primary Tumor: Note 5 was added discussing peritonealized; Note 6 (old Note 5) was modified and restructured discussing pericolonic/pericolorectal tissue; Code 300 was modified to include information about non-peritonealized sites; Code 400 was modified to include information about peritonealized sites
- Summary Stage 2018: Note 6 was added discussing peritonealized; Note 7 (old Note 6) was modified and restructured discussing pericolonic/pericolorectal tissue; Code 1 was modified to include information about non-peritonealized sites; Code 2 was revised to include information about peritonealized sites
HemeRetic, Lymphoma, Orbital Sarcoma, Plasma Cell Disorder, Soft Tissue Head and Neck, Soft Tissue Other
- Schema: Year of diagnosis added as Schema selection discriminator for those histologies that moved to
Brain, CNS Other, or IntraCranial Gland V9. This only affects C700-C729, C751-C753 with Behavior = 3.
These changes only affect cases diagnosed on January 1, 2023 forward so no conversion is necessary.
Schema Notes were updated to reflect these changes as well
- HemeRetic: 9749, 9766
- Lymphoma: 9690, 9719
- Orbital Sarcoma: all histologies except that are not AJCC eligible (AJCC eligible:8800-8802, 8804-8806, 8810-8811, 8814-8815, 8825, 8830, 8832, 8840, 8850, 8852-8854, 8858, 8890, 8900-8901, 8910, 8912, 8920-8921, 8940, 8963, 9040, 9044, 9071, 9120, 9133, 9150, 9220, 9240, 9364, 9421, 9473, 9500, 9522, 9530, 9540, 9580-9581)
- Plasma Cell Disorder: 9671
- Soft Tissue Head and Neck: 9121, 9123, 9131, 9161, 9240, 9243, 9351, 9352, 9361, 9370, 9550, 9560, 9563, 9571, 9582
- Soft Tissue Other: all histologies
- Summary Stage 2018: The notes for summary stage were updated similarly to reflect the changes to the eligible histologies lists
- Schema: Year of diagnosis added as Schema selection discriminator for those histologies that moved to
Brain, CNS Other, or IntraCranial Gland V9. This only affects C700-C729, C751-C753 with Behavior = 3.
These changes only affect cases diagnosed on January 1, 2023 forward so no conversion is necessary.
Schema Notes were updated to reflect these changes as well
Intracranial Gland V9
- Schema Selection: Behavior =2 was added to the histologies eligible for behavior = 0, 1
- EOD Primary Tumor: Note 3 describing the structure of the liver and how to code non-nodal, non-metastatic tumors has been added; Codes 150 and 200 are now contributing an L to Summary Stage instead of RE (See 'EOD v3.0 Review and Conversion')
- Summary Stage 2018: Note 3 was added describing the structure of the liver and how to code non-nodal, non-metastatic tumors; Code 1 was modified to includes WITH vascular invasion for Single tumor, and a new bullet for multiple nodules confined to one lobe was added; Code 2 was modified to remove multiple nodules confined to one lobe
- EOD Primary Tumor: Note 2 was added describing GGO, GGN and GG/L; Note 9 was added describing vocal cord paralysis, superior vena cava syndrome and compression of the trachea or the esophagus
EOD Regional Nodes: Note 2 was modified to include more detail about vocal cord paralysis, superior vena cava syndrome and compression of the trachea or the esophagus and to describe how to code when these are caused by extension
- Summary Stage 2018: Note 3 was added describing GGO, GGN and GG/L; Note 8 was modified to includes more detail about vocal cord paralysis, superior vena cava syndrome and compression of the trachea or the esophagus and was expanded for clarity
Lymphoma, Lymphoma CLL/SLL
- EOD Primary Tumor: Code 600 revised and code 575 added to split with and without spleen involvement
- Summary Stage 2018: code 7 revised to include with or without spleen involvement
- New schema added for AJCC V9 for 2023. This is a new Schema and V9 is included in the name. No conversions needed.
NET Colon and Rectum
- EOD Primary Tumor: Code 600 was modified to remove Ovary and Uterus from Colon sub-sites
Oropharynx HPV-Mediated (p16+)
- EOD Primary Tumor: Code 700 was modified to remove Paranasal Sinus from C111
Oropharynx (p16-)
- EOD Primary Tumor: Code 550 was modified to remove Paranasal Sinus from C111
Oropharynx HPV-Mediated (p16+), Oropharynx (p16-)
- Summary Stage 2018: Code 7 was modified to remove Paranasal Sinus from C111
Pleura Mesothelioma
- EOD Primary Tumor: Code 000 was added for In Situ cases
- EOD Mets: Note 1 was modified to discuss how to code positive pleural effusion
- Summary Stage 2018: Code 0 was added for In Situ cases
- EOD Primary Tumor, EOD Prostate Pathologic Extension: All notes were revised and additional content was added
- Summary Stage 2018: Notes 5 and 6 were modified for clarity and Note 7 was added to provide more examples related to DRE result not being documented or not being performed
Soft Tissue Other
- EOD Primary Tumor, EOD Regional Nodes, EOD Mets: the 3 footnotes for AJCC content were removed as this schema is not related to the AJCC disease Soft Tissue Rare
SSDI and Grade
NAACCR is the custodian of these fields, changes are listed here for convenience. See Change Log on https://apps.naaccr.org/ssdi/list/ for complete information.
General Change:
- Grade Pathological [3844], Grade Post Therapy Path (yp) [3845]: Note 6 (varies) about when to code 9 was modified to include additional scenarios related to Surgical Resection or the lack of grade from clinical workup
- Schema Discriminator 1 [3926], Schema Discriminator 2 [3927]: AJCC chapter references in the validation table were replaced with schema IDs
- Grades and SSDIs: references to AJCC Chapters were changed to refer to AJCC Staging Systems; references to specific chapters were removed; the text of references to other data items was restructured
Anus V9
- p16 [3956]: Was added with same valid codes as Cervix V9, required by CoC, NPCR and SEER starting in 2023
Appendix V9
- Histology Subtype [3960]: Was added as a new SSDI, required by CoC, NPCR and SEER starting in 2023
Bile Ducts Intrahepatic, Liver
- Fibrosis Score [3835]: Note 4 was modified to clarify the timing which should be considered when collecting this data
Brain V9, CNS Other V9, Intracranial Gland V9
- Grade Clinical [3843], Grade Pathological [3844], Grade Post Therapy Clin (yc) [1068], Grade Post Therapy Path (yp) [3845]: Codes 2, 3 and 4 were revised to match the updated definitions referenced in the AJCC V9. (The grades in the 8th schemas are unchanged)
- Grade Post Therapy Clin (yc) [1068]: Note 7 was added describing when grade from nodal tissue can be used (this note exists already in the other 3 grades fields)
- Estrogen Receptor Percent Positive or Range [3826], Progesterone Receptor Percent Positive or Range [3914]: Notes 5 and 6 were reversed. The new Note 5 was modified to clarify how to code ranges with examples
- Estrogen Receptor Total Allred Score [3828], Progesterone Receptor Total Allred Score [3916]: Note 1 was added that this SSDI is no longer required by any standard setter in 2023 and can be left blank for those years. Blank was added to the valid code list
- Ki-67 [3863]: Note 5 was added to specify how to handle cases with both invasive and in situ components
- Multigene Signature Method [3894], Multigene Signature Results [3895]: Note 2 was modified to specify that only tests based on gene assays should be used
- Response to Neoadjuvant Therapy [3922]: Note 2 was removed; Code 0 was modified to include Non-invasive neoplasms (behavior /2)
Buccal Mucosa, Floor of Mouth, Gum, Hypopharynx, Larynx Glottic, Larynx Other, Larynx Subglottic, Larynx Supraglottic, Lip, Major Salivary Glands, Maxillary Sinus, Melanoma Head and Neck, Mouth Other, Nasal Cavity and Ethmoid Sinus, Nasopharynx, Oropharynx (p16-), Oropharynx HPV-Mediated (p16+), Palate Hard, Tongue Anterior
- Extranodal Extension Head and Neck Clinical [3831]: Note 6 about when to use code 7 removed; Code 7 was modified to include Non-invasive neoplasms (behavior /2)
- Extranodal Extension Head and Neck Pathological [3832]: Note 2 added to define Extranodal extension and provide synonyms; Note 3 (old Note 2) was revised to provide clearer criteria on when to use each value, to indicate that a Sentinel Lymph Node biopsy can be used to code this field, as can Scope of Regional Lymph Nodes Surgery = 2; Code X.9 was modified to include Non-invasive neoplasms (behavior /2)
- LN Size [3883]: Code 0.0 was modified to include Non-invasive neoplasm (behavior /2); Code XX.3 was modified to include 'subcentimeter'
Cervical Lymph Nodes & Unknown Primary of Head & Neck
- Extranodal Extension Head and Neck Clinical [3831]: Note 6 about when to use code 7 removed
- Extranodal Extension Head and Neck Pathological [3832]: Note 2 added to define Extranodal extension and provide synonyms; Note 3 (old Note 2) was revised to provide clearer criteria on when to use each value, to indicate that a Sentinel Lymph Node biopsy can be used to code this field, as can Scope of Regional Lymph Nodes Surgery = 2
- LN Size [3883]: Code XX.3 was modified to include 'subcentimeter'
Cervix 8th, Cervix V9, Cervix Sarcoma, Corpus Adenosarcoma, Corpus Sarcoma, Placenta, Vagina, Vulva
- FIGO Stage [3836]: Notes 1 and 2 were modified to clarify what is needed to code FIGO, what cannot be used to code it, and that it differs from FIGO grade. Note 4 about Tis was restructured
Cervix 8th, Cervix V9, Vagina, Vulva
- LN Status Femoral-Inguinal, Para-Aortic, Pelvic [3884]: Was replaced with 3 distinct fields in v2.1. It has been removed from all schemas for v3.0
- LN Status Pelvic [3957]: Note 5 about using Code 9 was revised for clarity; Code 0 was modified to include Non-invasive neoplasm (behavior /2)
- Lymph Nodes Assessment Method Pelvic [3873]: Note 5 about using Code 0 was revised for clarity
Cervix 8th, Cervix V9, Vagina
- LN Status Para-aortic [3958]: Note 5 about using Code 9 was revised for clarity; Code 0 was modified to include Non-invasive neoplasm (behavior /2)
- Lymph Nodes Assessment Method Para-aortic [3872]: Note 5 about using Code 0 was revised for clarity
- Lymph Nodes Distant: Mediastinal, Scalene [3875]: Note 4 about using Code 9 was revised for clarity; Code 0 was modified to include Non-invasive neoplasm (behavior /2)
- Lymph Nodes Distant Assessment Method [3874]: Note 3 about using Code 0 was revised for clarity
Cervix V9
- p16 [3956]: requirement to collect p16 for NPCR corrected to start in 2022
Cervix Sarcoma, Corpus Adenosarcoma, Corpus Carcinoma and Carcinosarcoma, Corpus Sarcoma
- Number of Examined Para-aortic Nodes [3899], Number of Examined Pelvic Nodes [3900]: Note 4 was modified to include how to handle dissections where location of lymph nodes is not specific
Colon and Rectum
- Circumferential Resection Margin (CRM) [3823]: Note 11 had sub-bullet about /2 removed; Code XX.9 was modified to include Non-invasive neoplasm (behavior /2)
- Microsatellite Instability [3890]: Note 3 added to describe how behavior affects the ability to find this information; Code 9 modified to have MSI-equivocal added
- Perineural Invasion [3909]: Code 0 was modified to include Non-invasive neoplasm (behavior /2);
Corpus Carcinoma and Carcinosarcoma
- FIGO Stage [3836]: Notes 1 and 2 were modified to clarify what is needed to code FIGO, what cannot be used to code it, and that it differs from FIGO grade; Note 4 about in situ (/2) was moved to Note 5 and was modified for clarity. Note 5 about EIC and SEIC was moved to Note 4 and modified to improve clarity about how these should be coded
Cutaneous Carcinoma of Head and Neck
- High Risk Histologic Features [3858]: Code 0 was modified to include Non-invasive neoplasm (behavior /2)
- LN Size [3883]: Code 0 was modified to include Non-invasive neoplasm (behavior /2); Code XX.3 was modified to include 'subcentimeter'
- Perineural Invasion [3909]: Code 0 was modified to include Non-invasive neoplasm (behavior /2)
Esophagus, Esophagus Squamous, Stomach
- Schema Discriminator 1 [3926]: instructions were completely re-written to improve clarity; Code 2 had 'no stated involvement of or into the stomach' added
Fallopian Tube, Ovary, Primary Peritoneal Carcinoma
- FIGO Stage [3836]: Notes 1 and 2 were modified to clarify what is needed to code FIGO, what cannot be used to code it, and that it differs from FIGO grade; Note 4 about in site (/2) was moved to Note 5 and was modified for clarity, Note 5 about HGSC and STIC was moved to Note 4 and modified to improve clarity about how these should be coded
- Residual Tumor Volume Post Cytoreduction [3921]: Code 97 was modified to include Non-invasive neoplasm (behavior /2)
Heart, Mediastinum & Pleura, Kaposi Sarcoma, Orbital Sarcoma, Retroperitoneum, Soft Tissue Abdomen & Thoracic, Soft Tissue Head & Neck, Soft Tissue Trunk & Extremities, Soft Tissue Other, Soft Tissue Rare
- Grade Clinical [3843], Grade Pathological [3844], Grade Post Therapy Clin (yc) [1068], Grade Post Therapy Path (yp) [3845]: Notes added to use Code 1 for 'low grade' and to use Code H for 'high grade' in the absence of more specific information; Code H was added
Lacrimal Gland, Skin Eyelid
- Perineural Invasion [3909]: Code 0 was modified to include Non-invasive neoplasm (behavior /2);
- ALK Rearrangement [3938]: Note 2 was modified to clarify that amplification and point mutation should be ignored
- Separate Tumor Nodules [3929]: Code 0 was modified to include Non-invasive neoplasm (behavior /2)
- Visceral and Parietal Pleural Invasion [3937]: Note 2 was removed, Code 0 was modified to include primary tumor is in situ, Non-invasive neoplasm (behavior /2), and no evidence of primary tumor
Lymphoma CLL/SLL
- Adenopathy [3804], Anemia [3811], Lymphocytosis [3885], Organomegaly [3907], Thrombocytopenia [3933]: The default values were removed
- Derived Rai Stage [3955]: Blank was added as a valid value so that DCO cases can be set to blank
Melanoma Head and Neck
- LN Head and Neck Levels I-III [3876], LN Head and Neck Levels IV-V [3877], LN Head and Neck Levels VI-VII [3878], LN Head and Neck Other [3879]: Code 0 was modified to include Non-invasive neoplasm (behavior /2)
Melanoma Skin
- Breslow Tumor Thickness [3817]: Code XX.9 was modified to include Non-invasive neoplasms (behavior /2)
- Ulceration [3936]: Note 4 was modified to clarify it does apply to Non-invasive neoplasms (behavior /2)
- Clinical Margin Width [3961]: was added as a new SSDI; required by CoC and SEER for 2023 forward
- LDH Level [3869], LDH Upper Limits of Normal [3870]: Note 2 was modified to clarify which value of LDH test results should be used
Merkel Cell Skin
- Profound Immune Suppression [3918]: Note 2 was modified to clarify conditions which indicate chronic immunosuppression
Merkel Cell Skin, Penis
- Extranodal Extension Clin (non-Head and Neck) [3830]: Note 5 about when to use code 7 removed; Code 7 was modified to include Non-invasive neoplasm (behavior /2)
- Extranodal Extension Path (non-Head and Neck) [3833]: Note 4 was revised to provide clearer criteria on when to use each value, to indicate that a Sentinel Lymph Node biopsy can be used to code this field, as can Scope of Regional Lymph Nodes Surgery = 2; Code 9 was modified to include Non-invasive neoplasms (behavior /2)
NET Ampulla of Vater, NET Appendix, NET Colon & Rectum, NET Duodenum, NET Jejunum & Ileum, NET Pancreas, NET Stomach
- Ki-67 [3863]: Note 4 added to indicate how to handle results from nodal or metastatic tissue; Note 7 was revised to improve clarity on when to use the XXX codes
- Number of Cores Examined [3897], Number of Cores Positive [3898]: Note 2 was modified to specify that the first core biopsy is preferred
Soft Tissue Other
- Schema Discriminator 2 [3927]: Note 5 was corrected to have schema ID 00459 with Soft Tissue Other
Vagina, Vulva
- LN Status Femoral-Inguinal [3959]: Note 6 about using Code 9 was revised for clarity; Code 0 was modified to include Non-invasive neoplasm (behavior /2)
- Lymph Nodes Assessment Method Femoral-Inguinal [3871]: Note 6 about using Code 0 was revised for clarity
- Lymph Nodes Laterality [3881]: Code 0 was modified to include Non-invasive neoplasm (behavior /2)