EOD v1.7 changes:
While specific schemas note that the schema should be re-calculated with the v1.7 algorithm, it may be easier to run all the 2018 and later cases through the algorithms again to ensure all changes to derivations are applied.
EOD and SS2018
includes changes to schema definitions, EOD fields and SS2018
- Appendix, Bone Appendicular Skeleton, Breast, GIST, Prostate, Retroperitoneum, Soft Tissue Trunk and Extremities
These schema all use Grade to calculate Stage Group. The logic for combined grade was modified so that a grade appropriate to the schema is preferred over a generic grade (usually A-D)We suggest that 2018-2019 cases in these schemas be re-calculated with the v1.7 algorithm, no coding change is necessary
Appendix, NET Appendix
SS2018: Code 3 had 'Tumor deposits (TD) in subserosa or mesentery WITHOUT regional lymph node metastases' added
EOD Primary Tumor: new Note 2 added, clarifying crossing the midline; Code 500 had “Corpus Callosum” removed from ‘Infratentorial tumor extends supratentorially to involve’SS2018: Note 10 added, clarifying crossing the midline
AJCC ID: 8540 now goes to 48.1, instead of XXIf you collect AJCC TNM fields, you should review these cases to verify you have collected the required dataEOD Primary Tumor: A typo in the calculation table for 070 with Behavior = 2 which affected the results was correctedWe suggest that 2018-2019 Breast cancer cases with Behavior = 2 be re-calculated with the v1.7 algorithm, no coding change is necessaryEOD Regional Nodes: Note 4 expanded to define ITCs; Note 7 Intramammary and Infraclavicular moved out of the Level I and III lists and Fixed/matted Axillary was added; Code 350 word order modified for Fixed/matted Axillary and all bullets were updated for consistent formattingEOD Mets: Code 10 list of nodes updated for consistent formatting and Fixed/matted axillary, Infraclavicular, and Intramammary were addedSS2018: Note 7 updated to define ITCs and how they should be coded; Code 3 updated for consistent formatting, Fixed/matted Axillary, Infraclavicular and Intramammary bullets modified for specificity; Code 7 updated for consistent formatting, Fixed/matted axillary, Infraclavicular and Intramammary were addedSentinel Lymph Nodes Examined [#834] and Sentinel Lymph Nodes Positive [#835]: added to the schema
Buccal Mucosa, Floor of Mouth, Gum, Hypopharynx, Larynx(Glottic, Other, Subglottic, Supraglottic), Lip, Major Salivary Glands, Maxillary Sinus, Mouth Other, Nasal Cavity and Ethmoid Sinus, Oropharynx p16-, Palate Hard, Tongue Anterior
EOD Regional Nodes: new Note 4 added defining Extranodal extension (ENE) and which codes relate to it
SS2018: new Note 3 added defining ITCs
Colon and Rectum
EOD Primary Tumor: new Note 5 added, describing invasion into pericolonic/pericolorectal tissue; Code 300, Non-peritonealized pericolic/perirectal tissues had comment about peritonealized tissue added, Pericolic/perirectal tissues invaded was added; Code 400 has Peritonealized pericolic/perirectal tissues invaded added; minor change to Code 500 (of/through); Code 700 had 'Greater omentum' removed from Cecum (C180) as this term is part of Code 600
Colon and Rectum and NET Colon and Rectum
SS2018: new Note 6 added, describing invasion into pericolonic/pericolorectal tissue; Code 1, Non-peritonealized pericolic/perirectal tissues had comment about peritonealized tissue added, Pericolic/perirectal tissues invaded was added; Code 2 had Peritonealized pericolic/perirectal tissues invaded added, and Cecum (C180): Greater Omentum added
Corpus Adenosarcoma, Corpus Carcinoma and Carcinosarcoma, Corpus Sarcoma
EOD Regional Nodes: new Note 3 added defining ITCsSS2018: new Note 3 added defining ITCs
Cutaneous Carcinoma of Head and Neck
EOD Regional Node: new Note 4 (Bilateral or contralateral nodes), Note 5 (Contiguous or secondary nodal basins), and Note 6 (Extranodal extension (ENE)) added; Note 7 modified to indicate that bilateral and contralateral nodes are included
Fallopian Tube, Ovary, Primary Peritoneal Carcinoma
EOD Primary Tumor: Note 4 of Fallopian Tube and Ovary and Note 2 of Primary Peritoneal Carcinoma had 'peritoneal carcinomatosis' added, modified to indicate that Extraperitoneal Carcinomatosis is in EOD Mets; Note 6 had Rectosigmoid and Sigmoid colon removed (also in Note 3 of Fallopian Tumor and Ovary, Note 4 of Primary Peritoneal Carcinoma), for Fallopian Tumor and Primary Peritoneal Carcinoma, 'rectosigmoid and sigmoid colon' were added as exceptions to 'Intestine large'; Codes 600, 650, 700 and 750 had 'peritoneal carcinomatosis' addedEOD Regional Nodes: new Note 3 added defining ITCsEOD Mets: Code 50 modified to specifically exclude peritoneal carcinomatosis, which is in EOD Primary TumorSS2018: new Note 4 added defining ITCs
Larynx Other: The EOD Regional Nodes table specific to Larynx Other was replaced by the EOD Regional Nodes table used by the other Larynx schemas. This includes the addition of the 5 Notes, modification of the text in Codes 100-600 to indicate Clinical or Pathological use, the addition of 'or unknown' to Codes 200, 300 and 400, and the addition of Code 450 'CLINICAL ONLY: Metastasis in any lymph node(s) with clinically overt ENE'
You may wish to review Larynx Other cases with EOD Regional Nodes set to 100 - 600 to verify they are correct
EOD Primary Tumor: Note 2 about Code 100 expanded, Note 3, about Code 200, and Note 4, about Code 300, added, Note 6 had 'NOS' added to what should be captured in Code 450; Code 450 modified from 'Visceral pleura (PL1 or PL2)' to 'Visceral pleura (PL1 or PL2, NOS)'EOD Regional Nodes: Code 600 had 'Pulmonary Root' removed; Code 700 had 'Periesophageal' and 'Pretracheal' addedSS2018: Code 2 had 'Main stem bronchus less than 2.0 cm from carina' removed and 'Visceral pleura' changed to 'Visceral pleura (PL1, PL2, PL3 or NOS)'; Code 7 had 'Pulmonary root' removed from 'Distant lymph node(s), NOS' and 'Periesophageal' and 'Pretracheal' added
EOD Primary Tumor: Note 11 modified to clarify the difference between bone marrow involvement and bone marrow as the primary site (and how to code these); new Note 12 (peripheral blood involvement assessment) added; Code 800 had 'Blood/peripheral blood' addedSS2018: Note 5 added, describing how to code peripheral blood or bone marrow involvement; Code 7 had 'Blood/peripheral blood' added
Lymphoma CLL/SLL
EOD Primary Tumor: Note 11 modified to clarify how to code bone marrow involvement; new Note 12 added, describing peripheral blood involvement assessment; Code 800 had 'Blood/peripheral blood' addedSS2018: Note 5 added, describing how to code peripheral blood or bone marrow involvement; Code 7 had 'Blood/peripheral blood' added
Lymphoma Ocular Adnexa
EOD Mets: Note 2 added, describing how to code peripheral blood or bone marrow involvement; Code 30 had 'Blood/peripheral blood' addedSS2018: Note 4 added, describing how to code peripheral blood or bone marrow involvement; Code 7 had 'Blood/peripheral blood' and 'Bone marrow' added
Melanoma Skin
EOD Primary Tumor: new Note 4 added to clarify how to code if ONLY Breslow's depth is givenEOD Regional Nodes: Note 2 modified to better define ITCs; Note 3 modified to better define in-transit, satellite and/or microsatellite mets and how to code them; Note 6 modified to indicate that contralateral and bilateral nodes are usually in EOD Mets, C441 (Skin of eyelid) was removed from the first group, and a section for Skin of trunk (C445) was addedEOD Mets: Code 20 had '(excluding contiguous extension)' to distinguish it from EOD Primary Tumor Code 700SS2018: Note 3 was moved to Note 6 and was modified to better define ITCs; Note 4 was moved to Note 3, Note 5 was moved to Note 4; new Note 5 was added to clarify how to code if ONLY Breslow's depth is given; Note 6 was moved to Note 7 and was modified to better define In-transit, satellite and/or microsatellite metastasis; Note 8, about Bilateral or contralateral nodes, and Note 9, about Contiguous or secondary nodal basin, added; Code 3 modified so 'All sites' indicates that contralateral and bilateral nodes are usually in Code 7, ITCs and In-transit, satellite and/or microsatellite metastasis were added to ‘All sites’, C441 (Skin of eyelid) was removed from the first group, and a section for Skin of trunk (C445) was addedSentinel Lymph Nodes Examined [#834] and Sentinel Lymph Nodes Positive [#835]: added to the schema
Merkel Cell
EOD Regional Nodes: Note 2 modified to better define ITCs; Note 3 modified to better define in-transit, satellite and/or microsatellite mets and how to code them; Note 4, about Bilateral or contralateral nodes, and Note 5, about Contiguous or secondary nodal basin, added; Note 6 modified to indicate that contralateral and bilateral nodes are usually in EOD Mets, C441 (Skin of eyelid) was removed from the first group, and a section for Skin of trunk (C445) was addedSS2018: Note 2 was moved to Note 3 and was modified to better define ITCs; Note 3 was moved to Note 2; Note 4, about in transit metastasis, Note 5, about Bilateral or contralateral nodes, and Note 6, about Contiguous or secondary nodal basin, added; Code 3 modified so 'All sites' indicates that contralateral and bilateral nodes are usually in Code 7, ITCs and In-transit were added to ‘All sites’, C441 (Skin of eyelid) was removed from the first group, and a section for Skin of trunk (C445) was added
NET Ampulla of Vater, NET Duodenum, NET Jejunum and Ileum
EOD Mets: 'Carcinomatosis' was moved from Code 30 to Code 50; 'Other distant metastasis' was also added to Code 50
NET Appendix
EOD Mets: 'Carcinomatosis' was moved from Code 30 to Code 50; Code 50 changed to be any combination of 10, 20 and 30, and 'Other distant metastasis' was also added to Code 50
NET Colon and Rectum
EOD Mets: 'Distant lymph node(s) WITH or WITHOUT other organs' was removed from Code 50 and 'Other distant metastasis' was added
NET Pancreas
EOD Mets: 'Carcinomatosis' was moved from Code 50 to Code 60
NET Pancreas, Pancreas
SS2018: Code 7 had 'Celiac' removed from 'Distant site(s)', 'Pancreas Head (C250)'
NET Stomach
EOD Mets: Code 50 was modified to be 'Any combination of codes 10, 20 or 30', 'Other distand metastasis ' was added and 'Distant metastasis WITH or WITHOUT distant lymph node(s), NOS' was removed
Primary Cutaneous Lymphoma
EOD Mets: Note added describing how to code peripheral blood or bone marrow involvement; Code 70 had 'Blood/peripheral blood' and 'Bone marrow' addedSS2018: Note 5 added, describing how to code peripheral blood or bone marrow involvement; Code 7 had 'Blood/peripheral blood' and 'Bone marrow' added
Skin Other
EOD Regional Nodes: Old Note 2 replaced with Note 2, about Bilateral or contralateral nodes, and Note 3, about Contiguous and secondary nodal basins; Code 300 had a section for Skin of trunk (C445) added, comment that for C446-C449, contralateral and bilateral nodes are in EOD Mets addedSS2018: Note 4 replaced with note about Bilateral or contralateral nodes; Note 5, about Contiguous and secondary nodal basins, added; Code 3 modified so 'All sites' indicates that contralateral and bilateral nodes are usually in Code 7, and a section for Skin of trunk (C445) was added
EOD Regional Nodes: Note 3 added defining ITCsSS2018: Note 3 added defining ITCs
EOD Regional Nodes: Note 3 added defining ITCsSS2018 Note 4 added defining ITCs
SSDI and Grade
NAACCR is the custodian of these fields, changes are listed here for convenience. See Change Log on https://apps.naaccr.org/ssdi/list/ for complete information
Bile Duct Intrahepatic
Fibrosis Score: Note 5 related to Codes 0 and 1 expanded; Note 6 about Code 7 added
Estrogen Receptor Total Allred Score, Progesterone Receptor Total Allred Score: Note 3, 2nd bullet modified to specify the Breast section of the SSDI manualEstrogen Receptor Summary, Progesterone Receptor Summary: Note 2 split into two notes, what to record in the data item and when nodal or metastatic tissue results can be usedEstrogen Receptor Summary, HER2 IHC Summary, HER2 ISH Summary, HER2 Overall Summary, Progesterone Receptor Summary: Note describing how to handle multiple specimens divided into three notes, a Note describing how to handle tumors with both invasive and in situ components, a Note describing how to handle a single tumor with multiple specimens and a Note describing how to handle multiple tumorsKi-67: Note 3 added, related to when nodal or metastatic tissue can be usedMultigene Signature Method, Multigene Signature Results: Bullet added to Note 2, clarifying which tests to record
Cervix, Corpus Adenosarcoma, Corpus Carcinoma and Carcinosarcoma, Corpus Sarcoma, Placenta, Vagina, Vulva
FIGO: Note 3 added to clarify how to handle multiple FIGO stages
Colon and Rectum
CEA Pretreatment Interpretation: Note 3 modified to direct user to Code 3 in this scenarioCircumferential Resection Margin: Note 3 listing synonyms for CRM was expanded; New Note 8 added, describing when XX.2 should be used; old Note 8, about XX.9, moved to Note 10 and expanded; Note 9, about precedence of exact measurement vs 0.0 and XX codes, was expandedMicrosatellite Instability: Note 3 bullets revised to indicate what to code for various phrases; Note 4 added to describe how to code various phrases related to MMR
Fallopian Tube, Ovary, Primary Peritoneal Carcinoma
FIGO Stage: Note 3 added to clarify how to handle multiple FIGO stagesGrade Clinical, Grade Pathological, Grade Post-Therapy: In Note 3, the first bullet, 'otherwise code 9' was added to the endCA-125: NAACCR Item #3818 was originally CA-125 Lab Value, but was changed to CA-125 PreTx Interpretation. In v1.7, the field tag was changed from ca125_pretx_lab_value to ca125_pretx_interpretation, and the field validation table was changed from ca_125_pretx_lab_value_… to ca_125_pretx_interpretation_… All notation now uses 'interpretation' (This does not affect abstractors)
Kidney Parenchyma
Ipsilateral Adrenal Gland Involvement, Major Vein Involvement: Bullet added to Note 2 about 'confined to kidney' for clarityInvasion Beyond Capsule: Bullets added to Note 2, about 'confined to kidney', and Note 3, about synonyms, for claritySarcomatoid Features: Note 3 added, describing when to expect Sarcomatoid features
Separate Tumor Nodules: additional bullet added to Note 3 related to multiple tumor nodules
NCCN International Prognostic Index (IPI): Note 2, about when NCCN is applicable, and Note 3, about RAI Stage, added
Lymphom CLL/SLL
Lymphocytosis: new Note 5 added related to RAI Stage of 0-4Thrombocytopenia: Note 2 typo for equivalent values of 100,000 cells/uL was corrected
Melanoma Skin
Breslow Tumor Thickness: Note 4, related to measurements from different procedures, modified for clarityLDH Pretreatment Lab Value: New Note 2 added describing when LDH would be ordered; Note 3 revised describing what lab value to recordLDH Upper Limits of Normal: Note 3 had incorrect name for item 3869 and was correctedUlceration: Note 4, about Code 9, added
AFP Pre-Orchiectomy Range [#3808] and AFP Post-Orchiectomy Range[#3806] are both now required by SEER