EOD v1.0 known issues:


  • Lung, EOD Primary Tumor 2018: Code 550 should NOT include "Chest wall (thoracic wall) (separate lesion-see SEER mets)"


  • Bladder
    • EOD Primary Tumor, Code 130: should include "Subserosa"
    • EOD Primary Tumor, Code 200: "Superficial muscle - inner half" should be indented
    • Summary Stage 2018, Code 1: should include "Subserosa"
  • Breast, EOD Regional Nodes, Note 6: "Internal mammary (ipsilateral)" and "Supraclavicular (transverse cervical) (ipsilateral)" should be within text box as they are part of the regional lymph nodes list.
  • Cervical Lymph Nodes and Unknown Primary Tumor of Head and Neck, Summary Stage 2018: C760 is the only site code for this schema. It is used by agreement when the primary tumor of head and neck is unknown. See the schema notes for more information.
  • Corpus Adenosarcoma/Corpus Sarcoma, Summary Stage 2018: Code 0 should be removed.
  • Melanoma Head and Neck, Summary Stage 2018: Sites C000-C002, C006 are not included in this schema and should be removed. They are included in Melanoma Skin.
  • Melanoma Skin, Summary Stage 2018: Site C500 should be labeled "C500 Nipple & areola (Breast)"
  • Merkel Cell Skin, Summary Stage 2018: SS2018 currently named Merkel Cell Carcinoma, but the Summary Stage 2018 chapter title is Merkel Cell Skin.
  • There are various formatting issues for consistency that do NOT represent a change in meaning, such as
    • lists appearing in text box vs plain text lists
    • addition of titles and site lists for Summary Stage 2018
    • references listed in Note 1 of SS2018 were used to develop the chapter (currently says schema)


  • Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Head and Neck and Skin Other, Summary Stage 2018: In code 3, Both Head and Neck sites and Lip, which currently include C000-C002, should also include C006
  • Genital Male Other
    • Schema Note 3: where the histology for Merkel Cell was listed, it should be 8041, 8190, 8247
    • Schema Note 3: Should indicate that histology 9140 is found in Kaposi Sarcoma for all sites that are in Genital Male Other
    • Summary Stage 2018 Note 3: Should indicate that C632 for Melanoma, Merkel Cell Carcinoma and Mycosis Fungoides are found in their respective chapters; all other sites are included in Genital Male Other. Kaposi Sarcoma and Lymphoma are found in their respective chapters for all sites.
  • GIST, Summary Stage 2018: In Note 2, C54-C549 should be C540-C549
  • Kaposi Sarcoma, Summary Stage 2018: In code 3, the first bullet should be
  • "Both clinically enlarged palpable lymph node(s) (adenopathy) and pathologically positive lymph node(s)"
  • Kaposi Sarcoma, EOD Primary Tumor: Note 2 should start "Choice of EOD Primary Tumor for Kaposi sarcoma…"
  • Merkel Cell Skin, EOD Regional Nodes: Code 700 should include "Cervical".
  • Mouth Other/Palate Hard/Tongue Anterior, EOD Primary Tumor: Code 400 should be less than or equal to 10 mm.
  • NET Adrenal Gland, Summary Stage 2018: Site C755 should be limited to histologies 8680, 8690, 8692-8693, 8700 only
  • Parathyroid, Summary Stage 2018: Note 3 references code 000, which should be code 0
  • Penis/Vulva, Schema Note and Summary Stage 2018 Note: where the histology for Merkel Cell was listed, it should be 8041, 8190, 8247.
  • Soft Tissue Abdomen: C151-C152, C154-C155, C159 will move from Soft Tissue Other into Soft Tissue Abdomen. Only Histologies specifically mentioned for Chapter 45 of the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, Eighth Edition will remain with these sites in Soft Tissue Other.
  • Various Summary Stage 2018 chapter name corrections


  • Breast, ER Allred Score [#3828] and PR Allred Score [#3916]: Bullet added to Note 3 "• The registrar should not calculate the intensity score unless both components are available (proportion score and intensity)"
  • Lung, EOD Regional Nodes: Code 700 should have "Cervical" after "Bronchial"
  • Melanoma Head and Neck, EOD Primary Tumor and Summary Stage 2018: The notes contain site code lists that do not match the schema selection sites and will be revised.
  • Melanoma Skin/Merkel Cell Skin/Skin Other, EOD Regional Nodes (Notes) and Summary Stage 2018 (Code 7): The list of nodes will be updated and the information in EOD Regional Nodes will be synchronized with the information Summary Stage 2018.
  • Nasopharynx, EOD Primary Tumor: In Code 300, the 2 bullets after "Any site listed in codes 100 or 200" should be combined into a single phrase
  • NET Colon and Rectum, EOD Regional Nodes: Code 300 should have C183 associated with Hepatic Flexure
  • Plasma Cell Disorder, EOD Regional Nodes: Code 987 should also include "Single plasmacytoma occurring in bone (osseous or medullary) (9731)", as does Note 2
  • Pleural Mesothelioma, Summary Stage 2018: Note 3 should not contain "to code EOD Mets"
  • Primary Peritoneal Carcinoma, EOD Regional Nodes: Note 2 should end "See EOD Mets."
  • Skin Eyelid
    • EOD Regional Nodes: In Note 3, "Infra-auricular" should be included under Parotid
    • Summary Stage 2018: The lymph node list in code 3 should be aligned with Note 3 in EOD Regional Nodes
  • Small Intestine, Summary Stage 2018: Code 1 bullets should be reordered so that all the following are sub-categories of "Invasion of: Intramucosa, NOS; Lamina propria; Mucosa, NOS; Muscularis mucosae; Muscularis, NOS; Muscularis propria; Submucosa (superficial invasion).
  • General: Derived Summary Stage 2018 [#762] is assigned a starting value of 90 (before the algorithms execute), but the field is only one long. It will be changed to start as blank. Derived EOD T, N and M were not assigned a starting value. They will be changed to start as 90. The starting value is returned if a failures prevents that algorithms from executing.
  • General: NAACCR item numbers were added for SSDIs references in other data item notes.
  • Various typos will be corrected, including issues with spacing, formatting, spelling, parentheses, numbering, etc.


  • Breast, EOD Regional Nodes, Notes: a new note will be added.
    Note 5: Codes 100-200 and 350 only apply to involved axillary level I and II lymph nodes. If internal mammary, infraclavicular (subclavicular, level III axillary, apical), or supraclavicular lymph nodes are involved, codes 100-200 and 350 may not be used.
  • Breast, EOD Mets and Summary Stage 2018: SS2018 Note 9 and the Note for EOD Mets should read "… less than or equal to 0.2 mm are negative …"
  • Colon and Rectum
    • EOD Primary Tumor - Note 2 will be revised and a new Note 3 will be added
      Note 2: Code 000 (behavior code 2) includes cancer cells confined within the glandular basement membrane (intraepithelial), or described as in situ. Note 3: Code 050 (behavior code 3) includes the following:
      • Intramucosal, NOS
      • Lamina propria
      • Mucosa, NOS
      • Confined to, but not through muscularis mucosa
  • Summary Stage 2018
    Note 2: Code 0 (behavior code 2) includes cancer cells confined within the glandular basement membrane (intraepithelial), or described as in situ.
    Note 3: For the following, AJCC 8th edition stages these as in situ tumors. SS2018 stages these as localized (behavior code 3)
    • Intramucosal, NOS
    • Lamina propria
    • Mucosa, NOS
    • Confined to, but not through muscularis mucosa
  • Corpus Sarcoma, FIGO Stage: should have a default of 98
  • HemeRetic, Summary Stage 2018, Notes 2 and 4: 9740 appeared in both Note 2 (SS2018 can be 1, 7 or 9) and Note 4 (SS2018 can only be 7). It should only appear in Note 2.
  • Melanoma Conjunctiva, EOD Primary Tumor, Code 100: Should be "Less than or equal to one quadrant"
  • Merkel Cell Skin and Melanoma Skin, EOD Regional Nodes and Summary Stage 2018: a new note was added
    Note 2: Lymph nodes with isolated tumor cells (ITCs) are counted as positive lymph nodes. ITCs are defined as any tumor deposits in lymph nodes less than or equal to 0.2 mm.
  • Melanoma Skin, LDH Pretreatment Level [#3932] should default to XXXXX.8
  • Oral Cavity, EOD Primary Tumor, Note3: the 2nd bullet should be "greater than 5 mm to less than or equal to 10 mm"
  •       - - Oral Cavity schema are Buccal Mucosa, Floor of Mouth, Gum, Lip, Mouth Other, Palate Hard, Tongue Anterior